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It has been 2 weeks since the reunion, and it was once again just me and Johnny...I was fixing eggs, hashbrowns, and sausage for breakfast...and as I put his plate next to his booster seat, I called to him, and told him to get his sleepy little head out of bed...and he was usually up before me, and jumping in bed with me...begging me to get up. At first, I thought I kept him up too long watching cartoons with me...then I had a very bad feeling rush through me, and I turned off the stove and ran into my son's room...

I got to his bedside and seen he was covered in sweat, and vomit was all over...and some dried blood from his nose...he was awake but he wasn't responsive...until I picked him up...he started to cry thinking he was in trouble for not making it to the bathroom...I rushed him into the bathroom and cleaned him up and checked his temperature...he was burning up...without me even getting dressed I wrapped him in a blanket, and rushed him to the hospital...telling him that daddy wasn't mad at him...that he was a very good boy...I kept one hand on the steering wheel and the other one on my son's face.

I was supposed to meet up with Holly for I called her a day after the reunion, I didn't tell her what I wanted to see her for, so she agreed to meet me today...but as soon as this came up, I blew her off, my son was too important...and what was happening to him was really making me scared, for he was fine yesterday, and last night when I tucked him in. My stomach was twisting up in knots with worry and fear...expecting to hear the worst from the doctors. I carried my son into the hospital and told them that my son was really sick, and he needed to be seen asap!! The nurse put us in a room and said a Doctor would be in soon...I turned to her and said I wanted Doc Adams. She said she would try to get him...I told her just to tell him that Criss Angel was here with Johnny and it was an emergency. She shook her head and left...

Johnny started crying, and I just held him closer, rocking him slowly back and forth, telling him that it was going to be fine...that he was such a good boy...for he was just like his dad when it came to doctors and hospitals...we didn't like them. As soon as the nurse mentioned me to Dr. Adams...he was in the room with me lightning speed. He gave Johnny his check-up while asking me the routine questions...then when he was done, he asked me if I ever had him checked for any terminal sicknesses...I looked at him in utter shock and told him no. Adams looked at me and said it would be a good thing to do...for some of the symptoms I described to him, was side effects of a very bad sickness...then told me, just to be sure I should allow him to run the test for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. As soon as I heard the Doctor tell me that, I dropped to my knees feeling completely helpless, and hopeless...but Adams came over to me, and said nothing was certain until after the tests were done...that Johnny just might have exactly what it appears to be which was a serious viral infection...and for me not to count the chicks before they hatch.

I tried to calm down, and told him to do the tests...he shook his head then patted me on the shoulder, and told me to keep the faith...but he just needed to rule it out. I shook my head and went over to my son and wrapped around him and kissed his forehead as the Doctor drew some of his blood...then told his nurse to get medication prepared for Johnny's viral infection he had. Adams took Johnny's blood and headed down to the lab to test it himself. The nurse prepped Johnny's meds in a syringe without a needle...I asked her what kind of medicine it was, she said it was an oral medication for viral infection, and that it was very effective...and that they had several cases of it in toddlers for the past several weeks.

I felt a huge sense of relief run through me when she said that, then asked if all the other toddlers were tested for Leukemia as well...and she turned and smiled at me and said of course that it was mandatory for all hospitals to hope for the best, but expect the worse. I told her thanks then she left to her next room...Johnny held his arms to me and whined a little...I went over to him and sat down next to him as he crawled in my lap wanting me to hold him. I rubbed him down all over and told him that in just a few minutes we would be able to go back home...even though that tiny fear was still racing through my mind, and praying that it just wasn't the case...for I didn't know if I could handle hearing those words. But I told myself I wasn't going to call my family yet until I knew for sure.

Johnny was sound asleep when Doc Adams came back in...and as soon as he turned to face me with a huge smile on his face all the fear evaporated, and he said that Johnny was just fine and that he just had a viral infection...I gave my son a squeeze and kissed his forehead, and as I stood up I thanked Doc Adams very much, then woke Johnny up so he could get his medicine to make him feel better, then I took him out to the car and we went home, so we could have our breakfast, after I warmed it up. For after half an hour Johnny's medicine kicked in and he was squealing in the car saying he was hungry...and asking for juice. I rubbed his head and told him he could have whatever he wanted.

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