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My birthday was over, and in my opinion it was the greatest birthday I ever shared...for I had a family now of my own...the last few days went by lightning speed and before I knew it Kc and I were packing up and heading back to the airport to go back to Vegas...I was a little bummed out, for I never wanted the fun to stop...but I knew it was time to get back on the ole work horse again...for Felix and Rose were probably really missing their number one attraction.

Johnny was sitting very happily in his seat holding his new fishie I got him...Zinny however wasn't allowed to be in the main part of the plane so he had to be in a pet carrier in the cargo area, which Johnny didn't like at all, but Kc and I promised him that he would be fine. After a couple hours Kc grabbed the fish bowl, for Johnny fell asleep, and she didn't want him dropping it...then she snuggled up on my shoulder and wanted to sleep...I wrapped my arms tightly around her and told her how much I loved her...then I went down and kissed her forehead...and watched as my baby girl slept. I just stared out the window, thinking about what a lucky man I was to have such a beautiful wife and a perfect little boy in my life, then I too decided it was nap time.

When the plane finally landed on the Vegas landing strip, Johnny was wide awake and holding his fish bowl once again, with his Believe bunny, tightly locked under his arm. I told him to lets go, but to be quiet like little mice, for we didn't want to wake up mommy...I carried her to the car where Klayton was waiting for us in my Royce Phantom. He buckled Johnny in then handed him his fish bowl, then went on the plane to get our luggage, while I laid Kc in the back with Johnny. After everything was loaded, Klayton hopped in the passenger seat and said I could be the designated driver this time. I chuckled lightly and told him if I even remembered how to drive, since its been so long since I had driven anything. He smiled and leaned back and told me I could handle it.

Once we made it back to Serenity Johnny raced to his room and told all his fishies that he missed them very much, then he added that he has a new brother for them to play with...I watched him as he put his new fishie in the tank...then he looked and saw that uncle Klayton didn't feed them yet so he did. Hammie came running through the house and jumped up in my arms, I gave him a few pats and told him daddy missed him too. After I gave him a kiss, I put him down and told him to go find Johnny...Hammie raced into Johnny's room and rubbed all around his feet purring loudly and meowing...Johnny picked him up and gave him a big hug and kiss, then laid down in his bed, and took an instant nap, for he was happy to finally be back home in his own room.

Klayton tossed all the luggage in the hallway in between our bedrooms then welcomed me back, and said he better head out, for he had a lot of work to do on his new album he was working on...called 'Machines of Our Disgrace'. I told him bye and thanks for looking after everything...then it hit me, I hollered to him and asked him how Hammie was at the house...for my mom was watching him. Klayton smiled and just told me to check the guest room on the south side...then walked out the door...I silently went to the other side of the house, and peeked in the room...my mom was sound asleep...I walked in and lightly kissed her forehead, she woke up and got up and gave me a big hug and kiss and said she missed us all and didn't want us to run off anymore without her...I gave her another big squeeze and promised her that if we had anymore vacations we would take the entire family with us from now on...but I noticed how tired she was so I told her that Kc and Johnny were still asleep from the plane ride, and that she could lay back down...for as soon as I unpacked, that's what I was going to do as well. 

So she laid back down and fell asleep, then I raced down the halls and let Zinny out of his cage, and put all our stuff away, then went into our bedroom where I snuggled up next to my girl, and fell asleep for a while. Zinny followed in shortly after and jumped up and curled up around my neck and went to sleep...I sleepily stroked him a few times before going into a deep and peaceful sleep. I was suddenly awakened by hearing Johnny crying...I jumped out of bed and rushed in, he was sitting up in bed, I crawled in next to him and asked him what was wrong...he pointed to his tummy, and kept saying hurts...I checked his head, and he felt a little warm...I told him to stay calm, that it was gonna be alright, then I went into the bedroom carrying him, and reached for my cell phone...I called the doctors office and made an appointment asap for my son...when they said I could bring him in right now I quickly rubbed Kc and told her I was taking our son to the doctor's, for his tummy was hurting him...she jumped up and quickly put on her shoes and said she was ready.

Beens Johnny wanted his daddy to hold him, I handed mommy the keys and she drove us to the doctors office...I carried him in, and just before I got into the door he threw up every where, and began crying again...Kc cleaned him up as I was rubbing his back and telling him that it was OK...then added that their was more room out than in...just to get my sick lil man to giggle. A nurse took us to one of the rooms where we waited for what seemed like an eternity before Dr. Wilson came in...Kc looked at him and rolled her eyes at him...she really didn't like him at all, for he had terrible bedside manners. I just told her very quietly to be nice...she sat down and waited for him to say something to make her son cry and she'd be all over his ass.

After Dr Wilson got finished with his check-up he told us that he had a severe case of internal ear infection, which would cause him to be sick, and have fever's off and on...I asked the Dr why Johnny's ears weren't leaking, for usually when he got an ear infection fluid would be pouring out...The Dr said with a little bit of humor, to give it time, and it would...then he handed me some medicine to ease his tummy pains, and some medicated ear drops to cure the infection...as soon as Johnny saw then ear drops he began to cry again...for he hated anything messing around his ears...I told him it was going to make him better, and that daddy would take the medicine too, so he wouldn't have to do it alone...he rubbed his eyes and calmed down after I pulled a lollipop out from behind his ear...Kc came over and picked him up and said it was time to take our little man home, before he catches something else from the doctor's office...for everyone in the building was hacking, sneezing, or throwing up in the other rooms...Kc and I both ran out the doors.

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