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It was bright and early the next morning, and I was awakened by our loving little man showing me a drawing that he did, wishing his daddy a happy birthday...I pulled him in a bear hug and kissed his face, and told him how beautiful it was...then he squealed and slid out of the bed and ran into his room...I rolled over to Kc and kissed her sweetly on the lips and told her morning...she opened her eyes and smiled at me and said morning sexy greek sweetness....then said happy birthday...birthday boy.

We both got up and dressed then as I was helping Johnny with his shoes...Criss opened the door and let the sunshine in...after we were all ready, we all three walked down to the small diner to have breakfast. We all ate breakfast in total peace without one person interrupting...Criss chuckled and said he could get used to the tranquility. After Johnny finally finished his meal, we all headed back to the boat, for today Criss was wanting to play on the jet ski's...and maybe do a little water skiing...me I was leery about being pulled behind a speedboat on a pair of ski's...so he changed his mind and said we could try the sea-bobbing instead.

Once we got out far enough Criss jumped on one of the jet skis as I was harnessing Johnny up then carefully handed him down to Criss...he in, turn, hooked Johnny to him, then waited for me to get on the second jet ski. I put my life jacket on and jumped on then Criss showed me how it worked, then we both took off and had a blast...I didn't think I would have that much fun on one...but it was a real rush...I slowed down and pulled out my waterproof camera, and took pictures of Criss and Johnny having fun on their jet ski...Johnny was smiling from ear to ear...hold ing his arms up in the air asking daddy to go faster...Criss noticed that I was stopped and on idle, so he revved it up and slid in right beside me and spritzed me with the wave of his jet ski....then shut it off so he would be right beside me.

I playfully slapped him and told him how wicked he was...Johnny wanted to get off and play in the water, so I told Criss it was time to head in...then if Johnny wanted to play in the water, we could swim in the safety of the swimming pool, and not the ocean. Criss agreed and slowly idled up to the boat, and hooked it to the boat...then grabbed my line and hooked mine up...and helped me on the boat...I unhooked Johnny from Criss then took my safety jacket off, we all sat down and told the captain to head back to the shore...he gave us a hearty thumbs up, then moved out.

Meanwhile back in Vegas, Rachel was being rushed to the hospital, for she was going into labor...Costa was holding her hand the entire time....while Dimitra, JD, and Lynn were moving right behind them...Costa for the first time was actually showing how nervous he was...by repeating that the doctors said the baby wasn't suppose to come until Christmas sometime. Dimitra laughed and told him that sometimes the baby doesn't care what the doctors say...that when baby wants out it wants out...they took her back into the delivery room...after hours the doctor said she saw a little head...then she told Rachel to push...after the sixth push Costa and Dimitra saw the baby for the first time...then she asked if Costa would like to cut the cord...he said nah, he was good right where he was...so Dimitra went over and did the honors, while calling her son a big child through her mild laughing.

Once the child got into Costa's arms he took a look and said that Crisstopher was right...Rachel gave him a little girl...Costa took their baby girl to her and let her hold her for the first time...then asked what she wanted to name her...Rachel thought on it for a while then asked what he thought of the name Sara Michelle Sarantakos. Costa told her it was absolutely perfect...then kissed her deeply and told her how proud he was of her to giving him this great gift...and that he loved her very much.

Back in Tahiti, Criss, Johnny, and I were doing a little souvenir shopping, when Johnny saw a man selling exotic birds from the island and even a few little critters...Johnny saw a little monkey in the box and immediately fell in love with it...after telling him no several times...Criss ended up sneaking back to the man and bought the little monkey....for he grew fond of it too. I got onto Criss for doing that after I told him no...but he gave me his pouting face and said he wanted it too...Criss carefully put the little guy on Johnny's shoulder and put the leash on Johnny's wrist, and told him to be gentle with him...Johnny stroked him until he calmed down...then said can call him Zinny. Criss and I both said that was a very cute name for him.

Criss's phone went off, and when he answered it...he quickly put it on speaker, so I could hear it too...it was Costa and Rachel saying that Criss was right, that they just had a beautiful baby girl!! then picture after picture of them holding her...flooded Criss's phone...we both congratulated them and said how beautiful she was...then they both added that her name was Sara Michelle Sarantakos. Then before hanging up everyone back home in Vegas...hollered happy birthday to Criss, then said he now has a niece born on the same day as him...Criss said he was honored...then we both congratulated them once more then hung up the phone, and headed to the room...to relax for the evening...and instead of going out to eat I just ordered it and had them bring it to the room...for all of us were very tired after the long day of festivities. Johnny fell asleep with Zinny...then after a little romance and love making Criss and I fell asleep snuggled up in each other's loving arms.

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