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Everyone gathered into the living room and carried their gifts for Kc, then took a seat around her. I slid in from the back of the sofa and crawled in behind her, so she would be on my lap...Johnny thought it was funny so he giggled at me...Oso and Chicklet came running through the dog door and came into the living room, and laid down by my feet. I gave them a look and said out loud that the only family member that wasn't in the living room now was Hammie...Just then Hammie came racing into the room with his tail all bushed up and jumped up on Johnny's lap...purring loudly and meowing...Johnny pulled him up to his face and gave him a hug and kiss, then Johnny said all here.

Dimitra came in the room carrying the birthday cake and started singing the happy birthday song...then Klayton joined in, then everyone else joined in on the tune...after the song was over...Kc closed her eyes and blew out the candles...then Klayton and many of the others asked what she wished for...she said absolutely nothing...for she had everything she could ever want already...Dimitra then took the cake back into the dining room to set it on the table...and walked back in with her present she had for Kc.

Klayton then came out and said that it was present time!...then handed her his present first...Kc opened it and pulled out a very beautifully designed guitar, with his autograph on it...for a few weeks now she has been secretly taking guitar lessons with Klayton...I was actually amazed at the very expensive gift...she played a few chords on it and said it was beautiful, then she kissed him on the cheek...but he turned just in time to get her on the lips...then he grinned and said now he knew why I did that all the time...it was funner than hell.

Sully jumped up and said his was next...he handed it to her, and she slowly and carefully unwrapped it...it was an official Godsmack Leather Jacket, with Sully's autograph on it...but not just a new one...it was one that he wore during his live tours...he knew she always liked it...Kc reached over and gave him a hug and kiss, and thanked him...I got a little jealous on that one...for I was always trying to get him to give me that damn jacket...he just grinned devilishly and said she was better looking than I was...

Dimi came up to Kc and said she wanted to be next...she handed Kc her present, and she opened it and showed everyone that Dimi made her a very beautiful picture frame in art class...and in it was a picture from Rachel's wedding, it had Kc and me holding Johnny, with Dimi standing in front of Kc with her arms around her...Kc scooped her in her arms and told her it was perfect...Kc stood up and placed the picture on the mantlepiece above the fireplace. Then she sat back down...

JD and Costa got up next and handed her each a box with a ribbon on them...they said it was last minute and didn't have time to wrap them...Kc smiled at them and said that didn't matter...only the thought matters. she pulled the ribbon off the first box and looked in on a beautiful pair of earrings...then she opened the second box which had the matching necklace...she grabbed both of them and said how gorgeous they were, and now she had something to wear when she goes out on special occasion.

Lynn jumped up next and said she couldn't very well go out on special occasion without her present...she handed it to Kc, and when she opened it...it was a beautiful evening gown...she ran over to Lynn and thanked her very much...knowing that all these gifts must have cost a fortune....Kc noticed Rachel trying to get up next decided to jump up and go to her sister so she wouldn't have to get up again...and Rachel handed her the gift...Kc delicately opened the small box, and pulled out an old locket...when Kc opened it, it had a picture of their parents on the left side, and a picture of her and Rachel on the right side when they were kids...for Rachel knew that Kc was always asking about their parents for they died when Kc was so young she barely remembered them...and Rachel and Kc were both adopted by their godparents...and when Kc turned 14 they were killed in a car wreck. 

Kc now in tears gave her sister a big hug and whispered thank you in her ear...then she asked Rachel to put it on for her...Dimitra got up next and handed Kc a very beautiful and very old ring...and when she placed it on her finger, she told her that this ring has been in her family for generations...and she had already given special family heirlooms to Lynn, and Rachel when they married her son's...for she didn't have daughter's of her own...and that she would be honored if she wore her ring from now on...Kc didn't know how to react...so she just gave her a long hug and told her that she would be proud to wear the family ring...then added that she would take very good care it.

Lil' Johnny jumped in her arms and said his present was next...she swung him up to her and kissed him and said he was her present...and nothing was more precious than him...but he handed her a little box...then he whispered that it was a bracelet that he picked out himself...Kc said in excitement...did he...she opened it and looked at the pretty little bracelet...I gave him a big smooch, and said it was so pretty...then she asked him to put it on for her...Johnny grabbed each end of the bracelet, and clasped it together for her...then she told him thank you...that it was very lovely.

Everyone now looked at Crisstopher and said in unison what he got for Kc for her birthday...Kc stood up in my defense and showed everyone her engagement ring, and said I gave it to her a little early, but it was still one of the best gifts ever....but I jumped up and kissed her neck and said I had more than one gift for her birthday...I went to her ear and placed my tongue in her ear and when I pulled away...I had a set of car keys in my lips...then I placed them in her hand. She looked up at me and asked in astonishment that I got her a car!!! I giggled at her and said how else was she going to come visit me at work during lunch break...then when Johnny gets a little older, someone was going to have to take him to school. She turned around and laid a huge kiss on my lips and gave me a little extra too. Then she ran out with me to see what kind of car I got her. Which was a Ferrari 458 Spider...which was in her favorite color lime Camden dream green, she squealed really loud and jumped back into my arms saying how hott it was!!! After the family, all left and said their final happy birthday's to her, it was just us three again.

 Klayton came back in the house and asked Johnny if he wanted to hang with him for the night...beens his hot date ran out on him...he needed someone to watch movies with all night, then added that he was more fun to hang with anyway...Johnny said yeah very loudly then jumped into Klayton's arms and then gave me a wink and said by dad...have fun see you tomorrow. I looked at Kc and then I did three spins and after the third spin I was in nothing but my night shorts on with a boy tied around me...and said I was her last birthday present...she ran up to me and said well get over there so she can unwrap me.

I went over to her and she pulled me into the bedroom and unwrapped me...then she said one of the greatest presents of all. When I finished my sexy fun time with her and she was sleeping away I ran into Johnny's room and fed his fish for him, then fed Oso, Chicklet and Hammie for the night...then I went back into the bedroom to lay with my sweet and sexy birthday girl...for I had a feeling that the night fun wasn't over yet...I loved it when I was right. 


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