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Klayton successfully got Johnny and me back to my mom's house...where my brother's, mom, and Kc were waiting for me to make it back safely with my little man...just as Klayton turned off the ignition...Johnny was hollering to his grammie...for he was scared that she got hurt by the bad men...I sat him down, and he ran to grammie first then went from arm to arm until he made it to Kc's arms...where he caught everyone including me off guard...when he called her mommy.

Kc didn't know how to respond...so she just held him tighter knowing that he was back where he belonged...safe and sound. when I made it next to Kc...she threw her arms around me and kissed me very deeply in front of my family...I didn't even think about it, I gladly accepted her gift knowing that she was no longer going to be moving away from me...know she was running to me...score one for the Mindfreak...

My mom and brothers told me how happy they were for me to finally get the girl of my dreams...wanting me back. I looked deep into my sweet Kc Kittens eyes and asked her if she was ready to take Johnny back home to Serenity. She still having Johnny cradled on her hip...and still being in my arms...said that she was very ready to get back to Serenity...know that it was really all over...the break-ins, the dead fish, and all the crazy things happening at the theater. I gave her a tiny smooch...then Johnny looked at me wondering where his was...so I bent over and kissed him on his cheek...and we all hopped in the car and told my family bye, and that I'd see them later...

We were now back at Serenity's parking lot, where we were all greeted by Oso and Chicklet. Johnny squealed as he shimmied down Kc's legs to run in between them back to the house...where he even crawled in the dog door with them...Kc and I laughed and asked each other if we'd do that if we were that little again...she looked at me and said she didn't know about me...but she would in a heartbeat...I chuckled at the visual thought of Kc crawling through the dog door...but she woke me up when she asked me what I was trying to ask her before all this scary drama happened...I thought about it then remembered I was about to ask her to marry me while we were watching tv together...but I got interrupted by the very troubling phone call.

I just told her I'd tell her in a moment...as I held the door open for her...I followed her in and looked as Hammie was walking in between Johnny's legs happy that his bed buddy was finally home...I put the metal suitcase with my money in the vault in the study...then I pulled out Johnny's Believe bunny out from under my jacket and handed it to him...he gave it a squeeze, and said thank you...then he scampered into his bedroom as Kc and I heard him telling his fishies what happened to him today...we both chuckled a little bit, then she changed the subject again and asked me what I wanted to ask her.

I jokingly told her that I wasn't ready to answer her yet...that it was time for dinner. So I went to the kitchen to make one of my delicacy's for Kc and Johnny. She followed me into the kitchen, and offered to help...we ended up making a big mess in the kichen...but by the time our masterpiece made it to the oven...it came out perfectly...and we both decided it was worth the mess...Kc set the table and I brought the food out to the table and filled all the plates...then took the tray back into the kitchen. I came back into the dining hall and had three glasses with beverages for everyone...I gave Johnny his apple juice, then Kc and I had some wine.

Kc cleaned off the table, and then cleaned up Johnny's hands and face, before turning him loose...then she came in and very seductively helped me with the dishes, I add with a little chuckle that this seems like we've done this before only I was in the back and you were in the front...she just mumbled uh-huh...and kept toying with me in the dishwater...until all the dishes were done...then she moved her wet and sudsy hands up under my shirt...and rubbed then tickled me...I giggled and quickly turned around to face her and wrapped my wet hands around her and kissed her...she put her hand in mine and pulled me to the bedroom, as I turned out all the lights...then stopped in the hallway in between Johnny's and my room, and turned on the security, and booted up the automatic door and window locks...and before going to the bedroom for the night...we both checked on Johnny...he was sitting in his chair watching his fishies, with Hammie curled up on his little lap sound asleep purring away.

We both went in and looked at his fish with him for a moment, then we both kissed him on the cheek and told him not to stay up too much longer, that it was time for bed...but Kc said not just yet...for the little man needed to take a bath first...then brush his teefers...then big daddy can come in and tuck him in...Johnny reached up for Kc to take him to the bathtub...as I was getting his clean jammies and underwear...and handed them through the door...Kc was sitting on the outside of the tub washing him and playing in the bubbles with him a little bit as she scrubbed him lightly...then she got the baby shampoo to wash his hair...for he had hair just like his daddy dark long and thick...she asked him to lean back on her arm, so she could rinse the soap out...he leaned way back and giggled the entire time as she trickled the water over his head with his little bathing cup.

 Kc then let the water out and grabbed his Mickey Mouse towel...and dried him off real good...then as she was using a soft brush on his hair...he was putting on his underpants, and his pj bottoms...then waited until she was done with is hair. Kc kissed his forehead and handed him his shirt...he pulled it on and then asked for his step stool...she slid it next to the sink, so he could brush his teeth...after he was done he went over to the light switch and tried jumping and reaching but scampered into our bedroom and said with a sad face that he can't weach it...so I got up and went into his bathroom and turned off the light, and shut the bathroom door. Then I turned on his fish tank light, and tucked him in and told him goodnight and that daddy loved him very much...he said he wuved me too, then added wuved mommy too...I smiled at the thought and said I'd tell her for him.

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