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It was now September 11th, and it was very warm, but a beautiful day...I was up to my neck in work, from the Luxor, and hadn't been home with my pregnant wife, that was due anytime now...and I really missed her and my son...but I told everyone daily at what a truly happy and how blessed I was...to have such amazing fans, awesome friends...and the best family any man could ever ask for...

I was working on my third performance in the theater when I got the phone call from Rachel telling me that Klayton rushed her to the hospital when he brought Johnny back to the house for she was unconscious from the pain and that the baby wanted out...I tossed the microphone to John Farrell and told him that I had to go right now!...I rushed through the Luxor and ran to my Lambo and hauled ass to the hospital...beating the steering wheel for not being there for my wife when she needed me the most. But I was thankful that Klayton was always over at the house lately to spend time with Johnny while he was off his work for his vacation time.

I ran through the doors and asked where my wife was at...Klayton took me to the room and put my face in the window, but added that we weren't allowed in yet...not until the doctors find out what was wrong with her...and the reason she passed out. I was now pacing holes in the floor and Klayton was biting his nails...along with my other brothers and Lynn, Rachel, and my mommy finally made it over, and we all becoming very nervous...Right when the doctors came out I rushed over to them and asked them what was wrong with my wife...the doctor sighed and said that she had an unusually shaped uterus and that she passed out from acute pains caused from minor internal bleeding...and that they needed to take her in and do an emergency C-Section on her...I immediately asked if she would be alright.

The Doctor just said that she would be in their greatest care...and they'd do the best they could...but there was a slight chance that something might go wrong...I hesitantly signed the papers and sat down and closed my eyes very tightly and my entire family and I all prayed...that my wife and daughter would make it out ok. 

7 hours later Jd and Costa both were asleep against the wall, holding their wives that fell asleep as well...Klayton was looking out the window holding Johnny that was sound asleep...Sully and Sandy even stopped by and stuck around for moral support. I don't believe I have ever been so scared in my life...the thought of losing the girl I loved more than life, and my daughter before I even got the chance to hold her, was tearing me up inside.

My mom got up and put her arms around me and asked me to sit down before I fell down...and kept telling me that my wife was strong and had so much love to live for, that she would be ok...I quietly just held my mommy's hand and told her thanks with my eyes...and slightly closed them...Just then the doctors came out and said the C-Section was successful and the little girl was doing just fine...I leaped up instantly and asked about my wife. The doctor said she was very weak, but stable for now...then left the room to get cleaned up for his next surgery.

The nurse came out holding my daughter and she handed her to me and said she was a very beautiful little girl...I held her up to the heaven's and showed my dad his grandaughter...then I kissed her little forehead, and before handing her to my mom, I held to close to my heart...after my mom had her granddaughter in her arms, I begged the nurse if I could go in and just sit by my wife...she hesitated a while but then gave in and said that it was ok if it was just me that was going in...I told her thank you, and walked in and placed my hand into hers and our wedding bands touched...I leaned over to her ear and told her that I loved and needed her so much...and now she had so much to live for...and that I couldn't raise our two kids without her...then as my tears fell down my face and landed on hers...I fell into a deep emotional sleep...where my father came to me and told me that it was all going to be fine...that it wasn't my wife's time to leave...then asked me to tell my family that he was always with them...and how proud he was of all of us, for staying strong together, and never giving up on each others.

I gave my father a hug and thanked him for always looking out for me and our family, and that I loved him so much, and still missed him terribly...he gave me his strong smile and said I had a couple of very beautiful kids, and that he was proud of me. Then added with my father's mild humor that he had...that my wife was a real knockout...and so much better than my other girlfriends I had in the past...I told him with a chuckle that I couldn't agree more...then a flash of lights went through my eyes and I was awake, still holding my wife's hand...only this time as I looked down at her...I was peering into her beautiful baby blues that I adored so much.

She slowly pulled my hand to her lips and kissed my hand and asked me about our baby...I told her she was just fine, and now that she was back...everything was going to be absolutely perfect. I reached over and kissed her very passionately and told her how proud I was of her for her giving me this amazing gift...the doctor interrupted us and asked us what we were going to name our daughter, so he could have the birth certificate made up, along with her S.S.#...I jumped up and said that her name was going to be Shannen Cristy Sarantakos.

Three days later, I was bringing my family back to Serenity...knowing that I was truly blessed...and that I was going to live happily ever after with my loved ones...for my father gave me one gift during his visit at the hospital...he showed me a vision of my future...with my loving Kc still by my side, and sitting on the front porch watching our grandkids playing in the yard...I kissed my wife, after putting our two angels to bed, and said Only Time Will Tell what will happen in a man's...and Love truly does Live Forever. And that I did have the best life a man could ever ask for. Then I wrapped around my wife and we told each other how much we truly loved one another...then fell asleep in each other's loving arms.

                                                                                              Finito. (Finished)

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