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I have now been a daddy for five months, and Johnny was now 10 months old...and he was such a smart baby...he was bottle broke at 8 months...and he was potty broke at 7 months...and he was scooting around the suite on his butt...I couldn't believe how much fun it was raising him...I have been really trying to listen to him...for once I thought for sure I heard him say dayee(daddy)...but I couldn't get him to say it again...so I just told him with a grin that it would come...but as I was watching him, I knew I had to find someone to take care of him for two weeks while I went on tour with my Supernaturalists...for there wouldn't be a show without me...and that kind of trip was no place for a tiny tot.

I couldn't ask my brothers to help...for they were going to be with me helping with the show...I didn't want to ask my mom for help...for even as spry as she was...her taking care of him by herself for two weeks would really wear her down...I needed to find a nanny. I thought of Klayton, but I remembered that he was out of state...on tour as well...so I found myself back to square one...None of my staff or crew could take care of him, for I had already sent them on their vacations while I was going to be on tour. I was thinking very hard about it when my phone rang...and when I answered it...it was my brother from another mother Sully Erna of Godsmack.

I got into a very amusing conversation with him as I was playing with Johnny on the floor...then Sully heard the kids giggling in the background and asked me if I finally knocked up Belinda...and had a kid...I told him hell no! That she dumped me a long time ago...but he was in fact, hearing my son Johnny in the background...he said how cool that was...then asked me when he was going to get to meet the mini Mindfreak. Then all at once a huge light bulb appeared over my head and told Sully to come over now and meet him. Sully gave me his wicked laugh, and came right out and told me he knew I had something up my sleeve, but he would humor me anyway, and come over to see him...then hung up the phone.

I turned to Johnny and told him he was about to meet the newest member of his family...his uncle Sully...Johnny just sat there playing with his stuffed BeLIEve Rabbit...and went along with his garbling. Sully finally made it to the door, and I opened up and pulled him in, and told him to meet his new nephew Johnny. Sully lifted him up and swung him around and became very silly and playful...he told me he was a very cute kid...then as he sat him back down on the floor...Johnny grabbed his bunny and handed it to Sully...Sully looked at the rabbit and then made kissing sounds as he placed the bunny on my son's nose.

I quickly came out and asked Sully if he could possibly take care of his new nephew for the two weeks I was going to be on tour with the Supernaturalists...but Sully gave a deep sigh and said he really wished he could help me out...but he had a tour of his own to go on in two days. I cursed under my breath a little then told him that was fine...that I would just have to find someone else...Sully thought about it, and said what about Johnathan Davis, for he really owed me a favor when it came to babysitting...for last year he tricked me into going all the way to his house...thinking I was going to jam out with Korn...but instead I was doing parlor tricks for his kids...then after the kids party...he and his wife left me to babysit my godson Pirate.

I looked at Sully as a pair of devil horns appeared on my head, and told him that was the greatest idea ever!! I grabbed my cell phone and asked Sully to watch him while I was on the phone...Sully shook his head in agreement then shooed me out of the room, then he crashed down on the floor next to Johhny and began playing with his toys with him.

Johnathan's phone rang about 9 times before he answered...I immediately jumped into the conversation of telling him if he remembered him owing me a favor...he mumbled a little bit, but said yes he remembered...then asked me what I had in mind...I told him I needed him to take care of my son for two weeks while I was on tour with the Supernaturalists....he without thinking said he would be out on the first flight to Vegas...then before hanging up he hollers at me and asks when in the hell did I get a kid!! I laughed and told him that shit happens then we eventually slip in it every now and then...then I added and boy did I really step in it and smear it this time!!...then I hung up as I really got him going.

I rubbed my hands together knowing that I finally got my well-deserved payback with Johnathan Davis...then I went into the living room, only to find Sully and Johnny passed out snuggled up with each other on the floor. I went over to them and put a blanket on them, and then, I went into the kitchen and prepared Johnny's lunch which was finely sliced hot dogs, and some applesauce for dessert. Then I grabbed two apples off the counter for me and Sully.

I went over to Sully and woke him up, and told him it was time for me to take Johnny for his lunchtime...Johnny was wide awake when I mentioned lunch...and he sat up and raised his hands for me to pick him up...I took him to the table and sat his high-chair up and placed him in it...then I hooked him in and slid his tray on the chair...I put his little plate of sliced hot dogs in front of him where he very willingly and very neatly ate every last one. Sully was impressed at what a clean toddler he was...and when he was done he'd lightly tap on his tray wanting his dessert.

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