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It was now December 10th...9 days until my birthday...and I know Kc was doing her best about hiding the fact that she paid for a tropical paradise getaway for us to share, but I promised myself that I would act very surprised when she presented it to me...for I promised her I would never invade her thoughts but that promise was so hard...especially when she thought of it so loudly...it was a trip for three...for she told herself that she wasn't leaving without taking our son too.

Speaking of son, today was the day that Kc and I were going to the courthouse with my lawyer, so she and I could legally gain custody of Johnny...which I do believe Kc was more excited about it than Johnny was...for Johnny, thought she was mommy already...he didn't quite understand the legality's of the situation...but me I was ecstatic that Kc wanted to legally take the responsibility of Johnny...but not at all surprised, for he was the reason she even started dating me. After the Lawyers did all the paperwork and told the judges that the biological mother abandoned him when he was 5 months old, and when I confronted her, she said she didn't want nothing to do with the child or me. The Judge looked over all the paperwork, along with the signed paper from Holly, saying she didn't want him...then told Kc and I both to approach the bench...where he announced that Kc and I had full legal custody of Johnny. On our way back to the house, we felt spiritually like a closer family now that Johnny was 100% ours.

All my buddies called me up wanting to take me out to celebrate my birthday...but I told them I wasn't sure if I was going to be available on my birthday...so they made me a compromise and said they would take me out for an early birthday celebration...I told them with a chuckle that I would have to ask my wife about that, for she had me pistol-whipped already...and if she wasn't happy about the idea, neither was I. My buddies all called me a puss, but I told them no I wasn't I just really loved my wife and added she was better looking than any of them.

After I hung up with them, I ran up to the bedroom where Kc was folding the laundry, while Johnny was taking his nap with Hammie. I pitched in and helped her finish, then I kissed her neck, and asked her if it was ok if my buddies took me out for an early birthday present...I knew she wasn't going to give me any problems over it, but I never do anything behind her back, unless it was a surprise for her. Kc turned to me and put her arms around my neck and asked me which friends wanted to take me out...I gave a slight chuckle and said Sully, Klayton, Carrot-Top, Danny the Count, and Flavor Flav. She looked at me and said she didn't even want to know anything else about it, and just told me to have a great time.

Flavor Flav and the boys rolled up in a long ass limo, and told me to get ready for a great partayyy!...I reminded them all that I was a very happily married man, and the only partying I was allowed to do was the innocent kind...but they just grabbed me and shoved me in the car...but before we left I told Kc that I loved her and would see her soon...Klayton then added very playfully that as soon as he got rid of all these bums, he'd be right back to jump her bones...she laughed at him and asked him if he promised...he gave her a cheesy grin and said hell yeah he promises.

(Kc)-While he was gone playing, dancing and drinking with his buddies, I stayed and cleaned house with Johnny my little helper...after we got the house all tidy...I took him out to get some ice cream, then I took him to a see the new Ice Age movie that just came out...as a bonus for him helping me all evening. After the movie was over I turned my cell back on, and noticed that Criss had called me twice...I called him back and asked him what he wanted...he said he just called to say he loved me and wanted to know if I was mad at him for partying like he was single...I gave him a giggle and said I wasn't at all mad...for as we spoke I was just getting out of the movies with a very handsome man. Criss said real quick that he wanted to see that movie too...and that I was no more dating another man then the man in the moon, then added that he knew our little man was handsome.

I told him playfully that nothing I said could rile him up...he giggled a little and said that he just knew how much I loved him, and would never do that to him...I told him how much I hated him when he was right all the time...then I told him to hang up and to have fun with his friends...so I could get on with my evening with my hot date. I hung up with Criss and carried Johnny back to the car, and headed over to Mama D's, so she could see her grandson for a while. We stayed at Mama D's for about an hour when Johnny became a little cranky, for he was tired and wanted his Believe bunny, and Hammie...so I kissed Mama D and told her that I better get my little man back to the house and put him to bed...for Criss should be on his way home from his early birthday bash with his buddies soon. I took Johnny back to the house, and got him all tucked in for the night, and turned out the lights and decided to relax in bed and do a little reading until Criss made it back home. But I became tired and decided to go to bed, and he'd be home whenever his buddies brought him back. 

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