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I ran up behind JD and jumped on his back and gave him a big kiss, on his cheek...then I silently asked him to give me a minute with Rachel's sister...he shook his head, and grabbed Dimi and headed back to the car where mom was and decided to talk to her and see Johnny, while I talked to Kc.

I went up behind her and put my hands over her eyes, and whisper guess who...she said slightly that my blingage and accent gave me away...I stepped backwards and said dammit...it was alway something...then I just followed her for a while...then when she didn't talk to me, I turned to face her and walk backwards as I asked her why she ran away the other day...and if it was something I said...she gave out a sigh, and said she had nothing against me, it was just she wasn't ready for any commitments like that with me...I stopped her and said me??? But you would like to have the commitment with my son?...she shocked the hell out of me when she said she adored my son and would love to help take care of him...but she just wasn't emotionally ready to have quite a sexual relationship with any guy.

I looked at her very sheepishly and said she never been with a guy before...she looked at me and flat out told me no she hasn't...and when she was a freshman in high school a senior scared the hell out of her, and ever since then she stayed away from the opposite sex...except for JD and Costa beens they were both already taken...so it made her secure around them. I didn't really know what to say...but I didn't want her to leave, so I asked her if she would just give me a chance...for I had a real good feeling about her helping me with Johnny. When she acted like she was going to say she couldn't...I gave her my word that I would be a complete gentleman...and she didn't even have to go out with me...just stay in the house and be there for Johnny...and that she could have her own room.

Kc stopped and turned to me, and said that she didn't meet my qualifications...you want a mother/partner/lover and friend...and all she could be was two of the four. I moved very close to her, and asked her if she would just give me a small chance...and maybe in time, she'd get used to me and know me enough to where she would want to become closer to me....then I added how would she ever get over her fear, if she never faced it...and how would she ever find love if she never gave it a chance...for the path she was on now was a very long and lonely path to take.

When I saw her soften up a little I spun around in front of her and dropped to a knee and gave her a sympathetic puppy face, and handed her a flower...and said pwease...Kc couldn't hold it in any longer and she broke down laughing and told me to get up...that I was embarrassing her...I said I would stop if she would just say yes. She tried to ignore me but I grabbed her hand and followed her still on my knees and pouting...

Meanwhile back at the car...JD my mom and both kids were watching me and laughing...JD said to our mom, that was one way to get her to go out with him...while mom was laughing so hard she couldn't speak...even Johnny was wondering what his dad was doing crawling on the ground. Kc stopped and turned to me once more and begged me to stop...I lifted myself up and did a little levitation then landed on my feet, and asked her one more time to please just try me on for size, and if I don't work out...she could slap the shit out of me, and tell me off, and leave.

Kc stopped and looked down for a moment, then looked behind her where JD was leaning up against the car, where he was just shaking his head in approvement...then she turned back to me and said very slowly that she would give it a try, just if for nothing else to get me to stop embarrassing her. I gave her a hug and asked her when I should expect her to come to the house. She just said I would know when Rachel or Costa brought her over because she didn't have a license or a car for that matter. I kissed her hand and when I headed back to the car I did a few crazy break-dance moves and then moonwalked to the driver's side. After I jumped in, I said I finally charmed her enough to say yes to me. Mom and Johnny just stared blankly at me, and I chuckled at them and said what a guy can't make an ass of himself every now and then to turn a girl on.

I dropped mom off at her house and said I would let her know how the dating game went whenever it started, but I added that I had a very good feeling about Kc...then I told her that I had to head over to the Luxor and fill out a few papers...then head to the house and put my little man to bed...for he was plum tuckered out from today's festivities. She reached in and kissed me on the cheek and said she loved me...I told her I loved her more, then I told Johnny to tell grammie bye bye...Johnny poked his head out the window and said very clearly bye bye gramma...she reached over and kissed him and told him to sit back in his seat, and that she would see him later, and that she loved him very much.

I carried Johnny in with me as I got the papers and just told Rose that I would fill them out for her, and bring them back to her later...for Johnny was sound asleep in my arms, and I really needed to get him into bed. She said that was fine, I just put Johnny in the front seat and his head was on my lap...until we got home...I carried him and the papers inside and tossed the papers and my keys on the table, and headed straight for his room...I put him in his pj's and tucked him in...I turned on his rotating dove night light, and kissed his forehead and went into my bedroom and stripped and just went to sleep without bothering in putting my pj's on for I was exhausted.

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