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The next morning was very bad for me, I heard the doorbell, but I just couldn't get out of bed...I was sicker than a dog...I tried to holler and tell them the door was unlocked...but my voice was gone too...I heard Johnny scampering down the hall, though, and he opened the door and I heard him scream out Uncle Kwaton!!! Klayton picked him up and I heard him tell him hi back, then he asked where I was...Johnny just giggled and pointed to my bedroom.

Klayton walked in and saw me laying in the bed still naked...then looked around, and asked me where the girl was...or was I wet-dreaming again...I looked up at him and he got the clue that I was sick...cuz he was right next to me checking my pulse and temperature...then he told me I looked like shit...I rolled my eyes and barely squeaked out thanks...Johnny wanted to come in to see me, but Klayton stopped him and told him that daddy was very sick and that he didn't want him to get sick too, so he asked him to go in his room and play with his toys, and that he would get him some breakfast made.

I looked at him and tried thanking him, but Klayton told me to lay back down and rest...which for me wasn't a problem...I fell out instantly...I was so drained. Klayton stayed over and got Johnny's breakfast ready, as he set the food on the table Johnny scampered in fully dressed but his shoes were on the wrong foot, and he said they didn't fit....Klayton told him in between a lot of laughs that in order for them to fit right he'd need to put them on the right foot...Klayton knelt down and told him to come over...Klayton put his shoes on for him, then tied them for him...Johnny told his uncle Klayton thank you...then he went to the table and locked himself into his booster seat and began eating.

I looked up when Klay came back in the room with some soup, and some water then ordered me to drink...I shook my head no...and buried my head in my pillow...Klayton grabbed me and told me I could either be a good boy and slurp the shit down, or he could cram a hose down my neck and force feed him...either way didn't matter to him...but I was going to drink the soup...and drink the water, for I was very dehydrated...I slowly pulled my head out of my pillow and stuck my tongue out at him.

But just to prove that Klayton meant what he said he left and a few moments later he came in with a large hose...and sat it down on my bed, and said he would give me one more chance to take it down the easy way...I knew he was serious at that point and under extreme protest I slowly sat up, and grabbed the cup of soup, and sucked it down...not that it tasted bad...I just didn't like soups at all...then I grabbed the water and drank half of it...then I crashed back on the pillow and told him to leave me alone. 

Klayton said sure thing bro, but he was taking the kid with him...I just shooed him out of my room...what I didn't know was that Klayton put medicine in the soup, for he knew I wouldn't take any if handed to me. It wasn't 15 minutes later I was sound asleep. Klayton grabbed Johnny then opened the dog door, so Oso and Chicklet could go in and out without me having to get out of my death bed to let them out...then he left his car at the house and took my car, for it had his car harness in it...Klayton sat him in the car and watched as Johnny hooked himself in...then shouted happily that he was ready.

Klayton took him to the park and played games with him, and even went on the slide with him...after a few hours of doing that, he asked Johnny what he'd like to do with his Uncle Klayton next...he said very excitedly ICE CWEAM!!! Klay laughed at his little partner and said that was the best idea he's had so far...but instead of driving the two blocks he just put Johnny on his shoulders and walked to the ice cream parlor...he ordered two ice cream cups, one Neopolitan, and one cookies n' cream...

After they both finished their cups, Klayton tossed them in the trash, and grabbed a hand wipe from the car and wiped Johnny's face, then his hands...then tossed it in the trash...Klayton then asked if he'd like to go to Freemont street and check out the sidewalk sales with him...Johnny screeched out yeah!! Then said maybe he could find something to make daddy feel better...Klayton said maybe...once he pulled up in the parking lot...he told Johnny to make sure he stayed right with him...for it was very crowded...after walking around for a couple hours Johnny was getting tired of walking through all the big people and not being able to see anything...so Johnny raised his arms up for Klayton to pick him up...

Klayton scooped him up and carried him a while then so his hands would be free, he put johnny around his shoulders...then Johnny saw the animals that were at the sales and said he wanted...Klayton went up to the animal booth and let Johnny look at them...but said he had to remember that he already had two dogs and a cat at home...but Johnny wasn't looking at the kitties or the puppies...he was looking at all the pretty fishies...Klayton knelt down and peered into the tank along with Johnny and said they were very colorful huh...Johnny looked at his uncle Klayton and asked if he could have some...

Klayton looked at two of the tanks and asked the lady how much for the fish...she looked at him and immediately thought he was hott...then when she saw Johnny she ran around the table and gave Johnny a big squeeze and said how adorable his son was...Klayton laughed and said that he was his nephew...she said that the fish weren't for sale by fish...by choice aquarium...that he could either have a 6 fish tank, 8 fish, or 12 fish....unless you wanted to buy all the fish then she'd grab the large tank from in the store. Klayton asked how much for each of them....she said the 6 fish were 15.00....the 8 fish was 23.00...and the 12 fish was 40.00...and that the tanks were 20.00 apiece no matter what type of tank he wanted. Klayton said he'd take the 12 fish...just for the fact that he liked all the colors.

The lady put each fish in a bag of water then put the bags in a carrying container...then brought out the aquarium that Johnny wanted, for it was themed with magic stuff in it...Klayton put it in the car then told Johnny not to play with the fish bags until they got back to Serenity...the nice lady ran to the car and handed Klayton enough fish food to last 100 fish 1 whole year...he told her thanks then told Johnny to buckle himself in...so they could get back home to put his fish in their new home.

Once Klayton got Johnny and the large tank in the house...Johnny squealed that he wanted them in his room...I slowly looked up as I watched Klayton walk into Johnny's room with a huge ass aquarium...I said oh-no...then buried my head under my pillow. Klayton sat the aquarium up then filled it with water and hooked up the aerator, and placed all the tank decorations in it. Klayton then brought the holding container of the 12 fish...but Johnny said he wanted to name them...Klayton said he could name them after he got them out of the bags.

As Klayton dropped them gently into the tank...Johnny began to spout names to each of them...it was funny, for when Klayton dropped a flashy red one...he said Lil' Kwayton...he laughed and said he was honored to have a fish named after him...then Johnny named the black angel fish...Mindfweak...and randomly chose his other fish to be named other magicians...he had one named Houdini, and one named Richiardi, Copperfield, Lance, Mcbride, Penn, Teller, Roy, Siegfried, and last bu not least the ugliest puffer fish he named Blaine...which really gave Klayton a chuckle.

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