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My buddies finally brought me back to Serenity, I thought for sure Kc was going to kick my ass, for coming in at 3 in the morning but as I silently crept into bed, she rolled over and wrapped her arm around me and asked me if I had a fun time...I told her it was alright, but I'd rather have been with her and Johnny...for I missed her not being with me. She moved close to me and kissed me and said today was definitely going to be a sleep in day.

Johnny scampered into the room around 10 that morning and jumped in bed with us, saying it was time for breakfast...Kc got up and picked him up and I heard her in my half-sleep state to let daddy rest...that she would get him some breakfast...after she fed Johnny, she fed the critters, and brought some bacon and eggs to the bedroom and lightly tapped my ass and asked me if I was hungry...I sleepily said yes but instead of grabbing the food I grabbed her and pulled her in beneath me...she quickly sat the food on the nightstand as I pulled her down...and told me to behave. I gave her a few butterfly kisses then got awnery with her and gave her a love bite on her neck. She slapped me playfully and called me a little shithead...as she struggled to get out of my grip...I let her loose and she told me to eat my breakfast, then get dressed, that I slept in long enough.

I giggled at her and jokingly added yes mommy that Crazy Crissy be a good boy...she gave me her famous look back and said I better be...or Crazy Kc will be all over that ass...I just grinned at her and said promises, promises...then ate my breakfast as she asked me too. After I was done I hollered into her to help me get dressed...she came in and took the plate, and said I was plenty big enough to dress myself...I stuck out my lip and added that she did it much better than me. After I realized that wasn't even gonna fly with her I got up and dressed myself then ran into the living room and saw Johnny sitting on the floor playing with his cars...I flew over the back of the couch and said very childishly that I wanted to play!! Johnny squealed at me and handed me the red car...I was half on the couch and half off, with my head by the floor and playing cars with my son...when Kc came in and told me to get my silly ass off the furniture that way...that I was being a bad influence.

I slowly slid off the couch and was all the way on the floor and asked if that was better...she said much better, then she told Johnny to keep a close eye on his daddy, for he might have to get onto him for being a bad boy. Johnny gave her a kiss as she knelt down to him and with a burst of pride, he said ok mommy. After my moment of total silliness was over with for the moment, I asked her if there was anything she wanted to do today...as I watched Johnny run into his room to feed his fishies and to watch them for an hour or two...for that was part of his daily routine.

Kc didn't really want to go out anywhere today so I just curled up on the couch with her and watched a few movies with her...with my arms tightly wrapped around her with her head laying on my chest...Oso and Chicklet finally decided to come in the house for their daily petting time and jumped up on the couch with us...15 minutes later they both were sound asleep. After the first movie was over I couldn't get up right away so I called to Johnny and asked if he was alright, for he was a very quiet toddler...he came scampering in with Hammie tucked in his arms and said that he wanted to take a nap...but he needed some juice first...Kc was sound asleep so I managed to squirm out from under her and the dogs, to get my little man some juice in his sippy cup. After I handed it to him, he pulled me into his room wanting his naptime song...so I sang him part of my song called 'Fear' after I finished he was sound asleep with Hammie under one arm, and his Believe bunny under his other. I decided to curl up next to him and take a nap with him instead of waking up Kc from her nap.

I was rudely awakened by my cell phone going off in my shorts pocket, I easily jumped out of bed not to wake Johnny and answered it...It was Sully telling me that he had decided to marry Sandy and become the daddy he should be...I told him I was proud of him for stepping up to the plate and going with the swing of things...he said yeah, but he was going to need my help, for he has no idea how to be a father or a husband for that matter...he was the reckless wild and free type...I laughed at him and told him with a burst of humor...not anymore he wasn't...he jokingly called me a smartass then before he hung up I told him that a smart ass was better than a dumbass...then hung up on him...so I could get the last word in...for he was always getting the last word in on me...but not this time...hahaha.

The dogs heard me up and really wanted to go for their evening walk...so I went in to check to see if Kc was awake, and she was walking out of the bathroom as I was walking in...then asked her if she was ready to take our four-legged kids to the park...she gave me a sweet kiss and said as soon as she gets our two-legged kid up and ready...for he would be very upset with us both for not waking him up to go to the park and play. We got him up and we all headed out to Sunset Park, to have some fun and exercise, we stayed out until the park lights all came on, and our little man was really tuckered out from the late evening playing, so I carried him home, while Kc walked the dogs.

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