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After hiring the extra security, and all the cops doing constant drive-bys...things seemed to just stop...and things went back to normal, but I stayed on my guard all the time anyway...after all the crazy shit that's been happening Costa took a rain check on telling me his news...but now he and the rest of my family and immediate friends all came over to Serenity, where Costa proudly stated that he had asked Rachel to marry him, and she said yes...and in two weeks they would be married, and to add to the news she was a couple months pregnant with his baby.

I looked at them both and burst out in complete joy and grabbed them both, and said that was awesome, that I was going to be an Uncle twice now...first Dimi and know...know...I looked at them both and asked them if they even knew if it was going to be a boy or a girl...they both laughed and said they wanted it to be a surprise...I told them how much I hated suspense...and went up to Rachel and placed my hand on her tummy, and closed my eyes very tight...she felt a deep warmth surge through her, then felt a slight tingling, then when I opened my eyes I looked at them and said now I know what to get for the baby...

Costa ran up to me and asked me what I saw...I told him I knew what it was going to be...Rachel, Costa, and the rest of my family all gathered around me wanting to know what it was going to be...I chuckled and asked if they really wanted me to say...they all said yes very loudly and in unison I might add...so I took a deep breath in and said....I don't know....they all smacked me wherever they could....I said jokingly that I give up and that I would tell them...I looked right at Rachel and took her hand and told her she was going to have a little girl.

Rachel couldn't believe that I actually knew what she was going to have, but Costa believed me wholeheartedly...and began to get the right supplies for the nursery...Kc came up to me and asked me if I really saw a baby girl...I looked right into her beautiful baby blues and told her absolutely. She reached up and kissed my neck and said I was very amazing...then she went inside to see what Johnny was up too...he was up in his room very upset...

Kc sat down beside him and asked him what was wrong...he just through his tears pointed to his fish tank...I looked over and gasped in horror...not one...but all of his fishies were dead...I was talking to Costa, when I heard Kc screaming for me...I rushed through the house like a bolt of lightning...with Klayton and Costa right behind me...I burst in Johnny's room and asked what happened...Kc pointed to the fish tank...I went up to the tank, but before I put my hand in the water...Klayton stopped me and said the water was poisoned...I looked at Klayton and said who in the hell would poison a childs fish tank!! And for that matter when in the hell did anyone get a chance to get in my fucking house to do it...we've all been right here all day...and the fish were fine last night.

Klayton grabbed Johnny and said he was going to get him some more...and took Johnny with him to the pet store...Costa went with them...Kc and I removed the poisoned water and put all the fish in a bag for the cops to check out...then Kc cleaned the tank and bleached all the decorations in the tank so they would be safe for Johnny's new fish...the police came into the room and dusted for prints in his room and checked the entire outside of the tank...and found one tiny spot on the tank but it wasn't a fingerprint it was a leather glove print.

They took it in to be analyzed, then told me it would be wise if I installed top of the line security system, and added live feed security cameras in each of the rooms, and by every entranceway...I was very pissed off at that point and just told them to leave...I grabbed Kc and put her in a crushing embrace for she was very scared for the fact that someone keeps getting in to the house, without being seen, and she was worried that one time something bad would happen to one of us. I told her that I would make it all stop...I looked at JD and he was on the phone with maximum security, telling them to get out here and start installing their best equipment on the house.

Klayton, Costa, and Johnny came back with his replacement fishies, and even a few new ones...that his uncle Costa got for him...which was a starfish, a sucker fish, a brightly colored crayfish, a miniature octapus, and two seahorses...Klayton said it would give the tank a little diversity, plus they were fun to look at...Johnny named all his fishies the same as his old ones...then said he needed to name his new friends too.

 When he asked Klayton to help him name them...he said to name the two seahorses Frick or Frack...because they looked identical...that way no matter which one he was talking about he'd get their names right...Kc and I laughed at his silly suggestion, but Johnny liked it...He asked me what should he name the colorful crayfish...I said why not call him Phillipe, then Rachel added to call the starfish Pinky...Johnny liked both of those names too, and said yeah...we all were getting ready to leave Johnny's room but he screeched and said not done yet still had to name the sucker fishie, and the octapussy...

When they all seen the look on my face...my family all knew what I was thinking about the octapus name, and they all said not at all to me at the same time...I smiled and said I wouldn't have told my son that name...but I just had to think it...Kc slapped me and said how perverted I was...but Johnny said his octapus was going to be named Korny, after uncle Johnathan...for all his arms reminded him of Johnathans corn-roll hair...which was understandable...but he couldn't think of anything for his sucker fish. Dimitra came up to see what all the ruccus was about and she said why not name that one Smoochy...beens that what he does all the time...Johnny went into his gramma's arms and said yeah.

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