ledge to wonder

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A silhouette so clean
A scar never seen
She stands upon a ledge in the cover of dark
Wondering what it feels like to be dead
Thinking of the descend, the fall
Wondering, what of her soul
As she lays dying
Will it feels like she's flying
Her scarlet lips quiver in fear
But it's this fear she holds dear
What is she without the fear
A mere stain on the ground
A body to be found
To be sweeped away like yesterday's trash
And coincidentally that is what she thought she was
A tragic remembrance covering dust
She saw no like in her
There was no euphoria there
If she was to take a leap
To jump in deep
Will someone remember her, would someone care
Will someone still wish she was there
The thought seemed appealing
But in the dark, her hope was failing
The pain edged her on
And in a moments notice she could be gone
But then the wind whispered her name
But it all was in vain

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