I tried

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There is something within my dreams

A tempest wrapped in star-crossed beauty

But its always been a lie

Knowing in the end, everything dies

I have tried being the one you wanted

But in the end, I could never be enough

I knew my nightmares could be rough

But I thought if I tried hard enough..

The dream was meant to deceive,

In the end everyone leaves

You were perfect and I was broken

You thought we fit together

But nothing could save me for my mind was severed

I was breathing but my heart had long since ceased

I am sorry I had deceived

But if I had only tried harder,

Pushed a little further,

Screamed a little louder,

Stood a little prouder,

But there was no saving grace,

I was just a tragedy covered in lace

Beauty only held within my face

For death I would easily embrace,

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