once upon a time

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Once upon a time there was a girl born into this world
Everything seemed so new and bold
She had a wishful eye and an innocent smile
And she wore it for a while

And then she turned five
The first hit to show her what it meant to be alive
Her first loss she suffered on that day
But they promised her she would be okay

And then she grew older
She found the world was much colder
She had to survive
Was this really what it meant to be alive?

But she pushed and smiled
Even when her hope faltered
She believed when they said it would be alright
Even if it wasn't tonight

But the shadows kept attacking
And she told herself it was faith she was lacking
She tried another way
But it seemed that the monsters were there to stay

She started to inflict pain upon herself
Even though she had wealth
The pain was there to stay
And writing a blood letter was the only way

At 17 she was already too far gone
She knew that all along
And numb she went about her day
Just nodding when they said she'd be okay

After graduation she sat alone in a room
Of her own doom
She thought about the end for the umpteenth time
She wished they'd known she wouldn't be fine

However, she kept on still
She still had a little spark in her will
But it was only broken when the world couldn't see
She was never meant to be

She loved and she died
For she learned that people lied
Angels kill and devils sing
She already knew what life could bring

She gave it so many chances
Ignored death's advances
But it failed her time and time again
And truth is, all she needed was a friend

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