endless facade

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Sometimes it feels like I can't breath
And I know you're staring at this facade I made
I had become so quick to deceive
As the vision of me slowly begins to fade

It just pushes down on me so hard
But slowing down, its not something I can afford

I'd smile and show you a meticulously memorized side
Holding back the absolute agony I live inside
And it hurts that you can't see
Everything you see isn't me

But I guess after years of this
I had perfected this masquerade
Your awakening will come too late
I would have been lost for too long
Everything i was would be gone

Every memory buried deep
Where i just long for an endless sleep
I'd be lost in the abyss
Wondering why I ever bothered with this

And you too will wonder how you didn't see
You were slowly losing me
And neither would be able to save me
Because I could never truly be free

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