what i should've said

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This is everything i didn't say
You know, how I'd always say I was okay
It was AL just to spare you
Because I didn't know what else to do

I didn't like the flowers you sent
And unlike what I've been told, I didn't care where you went
I hated how you'd say goodnight
But I just pretended everything was alright
I hated when you were sweet
My feelings just didn't run deep

I wanted to be what I heard
Sweet, caring, loving or whatever the label said
But I didn't care for your sweet words or lullabies
So I just pretended and covered my insecurity with the lies
I just wanted to fit in
Be something you could believe in
But I didn't care for romantic  gestures
I just didn't want to see a frown upon your features

In the end I just drowned in the pretence
I ran away from one simple sentence
I love you
I couldn't echo it back to you
I wanted to
But for once a lie wouldn't do

I should never had done what I was told I should want
I buried who I was and covered it was sand
I killed us both trying to fit myself into your world
I deceived and then I turned cold

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