you were

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In my eyes, you were perfection
Perhaps that was just my preferential perception
But you were everything to me
Gave me the strength to just, be
You were always there when I needed
You were exactly what I need

Until one day you just disappeared
And true became everything I feared
The sudden emptiness I felt
A tragedy I've been dealt
Nothing I did could bring you back
And it showed me all the things I lacked
Back came the demons you kept away
It seemed that this time they were here to stay

I still see your caramel eyes
It haunts me that I couldn't say goodbye
I see you in places
See you in different faces
And I know non of it is true
Its just a result of missing you

I feel it crushing me every day
The fact that there is nothing I could say
What done is done
You are forever gone
Lost to me
A vision I can never see

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