Within my mind

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What is this feeling inside,
Every time you ask I try to hide.
Anything so you wouldn't see,
The broken that lives within me.

I try to take a breath and force a smile,
And it fooled you for a while,
But then you started to grow suspicious,
Not knowing the creature living within was malicious.

It tore apart the inside of my brain,
Reminding me that I've gone insane.
After all, how could someone like you love me.
It whispered that there was only one way to be free.

I lived within every moment knowing it was my last,
But the day had blitzed past.
I regretted not telling you what I had done,
But before I knew it, I was too far gone.

I remember all the times it almost slipped past my lips,
But the voice in my head reverberated like whips.
I was chained down and defeated,
And within my mind I retreated.

It judged my every move as I sat in the dark,
Contemplating making another mark.
It would taunt me and encourage me.
Asking me; Don't you want to be free.

I wanted the screaming to stop for a moment,
I knew what the voice meant,
I knew I was broken beyond repair,
But most of all; I never saw you standing there.

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