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Limbs sprawled
upon concrete, broken and cold
blood veined the cracks
Taking what your body now lacks
You were wearing the bracelet I had gave to you
If only I knew what you were planning to do
But I believed your smile, sunk down within the deceit
Not knowing the end you'd meet

Maybe I lied to myself,
Maybe I knew all along
The thing you'd do that feels so wrong
Perhaps I just felt safe within the lies

But, I should've tried harder
Studied the silhouette of your mascarade farther
Told you 'I love you'
Maybe, just maybe it would've stopped what you set out to do

I watched the red leave you now vacant body
And ached to tell you 'I'm sorry'
But you couldn't hear
as your body screamed 'its too at, my dear'

Your eyes lay glossed over and vacant
Your life and heart lay adjacent
I stood frozen as I wanted to run
But all feeling in me was left numb
I watched and I stared
Thinking you'd never know that I cared

I should've done more
Before you were found out cold on the floor

My heart aches to beat
Standing beside my biggest defeat
You. a body broken.
A harmful token
I loved you, but you didn't see
the whirlwind you had begun to wake within me

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