The Truth Beneath The Lie

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Walking down the corridors, I enjoyed the sight of the mountains out of the window. The birds flew above the castle before diving downward towards the river that ran through the narrow path.

"You're up early?" Stephan whispered.

Striding down the hallway in front of me, he slowly makes his way over with his hands resting calmly behind his back.

"I couldn't sleep...I was thinking about Elizabeth."

"I thought we promised that you would take some time for yourself, spend it with Julius and James." He said as he rested his hand on my shoulder.

"I know, but she's my family. What would my father think if he ever saw us fighting over the death of a servant...but Lola, she was too young."

"What about John? Is he back with Catherine?"

"Yes, he is being taken care of. She wrote to me, a few days ago."


Quietly, we made our way down the hallway before sitting down in a window crook.

"She wants to come and see her grandson...the entire family does actually. I still haven't written her back."

Wrapping the delicate blanket I had hanging around my arms, I look down the hallway as the maids opened the main doors open.

"I think it's good, to have family around you. Especially the Valois family, since James does have that name."

"I know, but we have Malcolm here. And I don't want him or any of them to feel uncomfortable with each other being in the same house."

"Malcolm can defend himself, did you see the way Talia was hissing at him the other day?" Stephan questioned.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Maybe they have some history with each other?"

"But he seems a little old for her, don't you think?"

"Maybe, but then again...I'm a little old for you."

"You are good for me, I realize that now..." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Come, our children are probably waking up."


Opening the door leading into James' room, Talia was already inside.

"Oh, look! She's here." Talia said happily.

"Hi, my sweet boy."

Grabbing him, I pick him up and lay him in my arms.

"Did he just wake up?" I asked Talia.

"Yes, while I was getting his clothes ready."

Hearing the door creak open again, Stephan and Julius walk inside.

"Good Morning, mama," Julius whispered as he came to me.

"Good morning. Don't you have your riding class today with your uncle?" I asked.

"I do, I just wanted to ask you something?"

"Alright then, ask," I said as I sit down in the rocking chair in the corner of the room.

"Can I go into town?"


"To explore?" He questioned before looking over at Stephan, who was giving him a look.

"Um, to...get to know my future countrymen and women."



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