Condemned To Death

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Walking down the grassy aisle towards the middle of the torn down village, Lord Ruthven walks beside me as we made our way with David hearing on our conversation behind us.

"The damage to the region was devastating. Hundreds were pulled from the rubble. The survivors are gathering wherever they can, without food or shelter." I said.

"It is a terrible tragedy. We must pray that God has mercy on their souls." Lord Ruthven said as he glanced around the crowd of people.

"Indeed, Lord Ruthven. But they'll need more than God's mercy. With winter coming, they need food, medicine, and shelter immediately." I added.

"Not to mention rebuilding the villages that have been destroyed. All of which cost money." He asked me as I smiled at a little girl in front of me.

"What are the finances fo Scotland to you? I thought you were some sort of traveling merchant." Ruthven asked Rizzio.

"David Rizzio is my advisor, and as a business from Turin, he is an expert in accounting," I said, interrupting him.

"Well, I don't know how they account for their money in Turin, but in Scotland, a fund for catastrophic events has already been set aside and managed by the Crown."

"But if the cost were to run higher than expected...we had hoped that we could count on the privy council for additional support," I asked Ruthven.

"Surely you're not suggesting that we take money from other necessary expenses? Especially when an emergency fund has already been established. Unless there has been some mismanagement by the Crown?" He questioned.

Narrowing my eyes, I rose my chin higher before I glanced at him up and down in a suspicious way.

"Of course not." I hissed.

"Because there are rumors that you struggle financially due to your sister's expensive Catholic wedding and your constant maneuvers aginst England...If the privy council were forced to pay for your mistakes-"

"They won't be. I look forward to reporting on the relief effort at the next privy council meeting. Thank you, Lord Ruthven." I said as he bowed and glance over at David.

"Lord Ruthven, uh, before you go, I'd like to show you something," Rizzio said before leaving with Ruthven beside him.

"It appears your meeting didn't go as planned. What went wrong?" Knox asked as I heard his voice behind me.

"Did you ask Lord Ruthven for money?"

"Knox...I'm not surprised to see you here, as you like to rise from other people's suffering," I whispered.

"Not other people suffering...just the one's I think are guilty of doing the same. How are you?" He asked me, before kissing my cheek.

"Apart from the recent efforts to remove my sister and Lord Darnley from's been, peaceful. Really." I added.

"Letting your sister fall, and suffer for her actions is the best thing you can do." He said as he and I continued to walk down the path.

"She's with doesn't deserve to die for what she did."

"No, but she schemed for power, you married a traitor to Lord Darnley, who nonetheless, is power-hungry because of her, but she forced you to betray your brother, James." He said.

"She's cost me much...just like Emily, your wife," I added sarcastically.

"I apologize for her actions...I've been trying to remove her from my life. I've asked for a divorce."

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