Revealing The Truth

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James' POV

Walking into Mary's study room, I closed the door behind me and waited until she turned around.

"Oh, James. Good, I need to speak to you about something." She said, walking around her desk.

"Alright...I have to help Eliana with her carriage, so, if we could make this quick."

"I'm giving your lands to Lord Darnley." She blurted out.

"You're what?"

Sliding over the papers, I looked over them before glancing up at her.

"My sister will never agree to this, Mary," I said harshly.

"She's my sister, too. It's my wedding, I need Darnley to have land if we plan to wed."

"I can't believe you're taking my lands for you fiance?"

"I have no choice."

"There is always a choice! This is a requirement for our marriage. Darnley has to be given a Scottish title."

"And somehow it has to be my lands," I said as I paced back and forth in the room.

"The Lennox estates are the only lands that earn enough income to give Darnley the right title."

"He's already a Lord, Mary. But please, tell me this is not a coincidence that these are the same lands taken from Darnley's father for being a traitor."

"It's a benefit for him-"

"And a loss for me? Have you spoken to Eliana about this?"

"I do not need to speak to her about my marriage to Darnley?"

"She is the Queen of Scotland!" I yelled.

"Defying her is defying your right to live. She was nice enough to let you keep your mother's title as Lady, these lands give me my position here at court, as future King, if God forbids." I added.

"I will compensate you, James, I promise."

"You have nothing, Mary. You have two lands outside of Edinburgh, the rest belongs to Eliana and me. I wish you would've spoken to your Queen before making such rash decisions." I hissed, taking a step back and heading out to the carriage.


"Oh, James! I was hoping to see you before I left." Eliana smiled.

"It's a good thing I came on time, then."

"Yes, I wanted to speak to you about Mary."

"What about?" I asked, trying not to show her my anger.

"I want you to see what you can dig up from her conversations with Darnley. Last night, what he said, it alarmed me. I want you to keep an eye on both of their every move."

"You think Mary is conspiring against you?"

"I hope not if she is and word gets out...Elizabeth will make a move. I just want to make sure before I say anything." She whispered.

"Of course. You can trust me." I said.

"Good. I'll be back in two days time, I'll send word if I plan on staying longer."

Helping her into the carriage, we smile at each other before the horseman rides off.

"Uncle James." I heard Julius say.

"Julius, going for a ride I see?"

Looking up at the stallion he held on to tightly, he patted its hair.

The Art Of War (TV Series 'Reign') #4Where stories live. Discover now