Burn You Down

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Sitting outside of Greer's home under the bright sun, the both of us enjoyed the freshly picked fruit from her garden.

"What are you waiting for? Just throw it." I said to her.

"Do you have any idea how completely undignified you appear right now?" She laughed.

"I am on holiday. Dignity has nothing to do with it." I said opening my mouth.

"I believe I asked about James? Is he-"


Waiting for her to throw the berry into my mouth she completely misses and ends up in Munch's mouth.

"Do you know that you're awful at this?"

"I do, which is why it wasn't my idea to play."

"Now, it's my turn," I said as I fixed myself on my chair.

"Wouldn't you rather talk? IN all your time here, you haven't once mentioned-"

"Mary hasn't said a word about Gideon to me or James...I've already sent for Lord Darnley as she requested. Now, enough of politics right now. All I want to do-"

"Is throw tiny fruit at me." Greer laughed.

"Yes. And help you set up your home for when sweet rose and Castleroy arrive from France. Now, open."

Pre[aring to throw the berry, I closed one of my eyes before making it into her mouth.


"You did it!"

"Of course I did! You provided me with a huge target. Gigantic, really." I chuckled before taking a sip of my tea.

Looking out and about the estate grounds, I felt the soft winds blow upon us.

"I see now why Lola spoke of her childhood here so fondly. And now your daughter will get to experience the same, living here with you and your husband." I whispered, but there was a look on Greer's face, that made me fell uneasy.

"Greer, what's wrong?" I asked getting up from my chair and kneeling at her side.

"Aloysius is not the man you knew. You saw him when he was freed from prison. He seems to have lost all sense of purpose."

"Have faith, Greer. When he gets back to court he will find his footing."

"He says he no longer has the stomach for court."

"Then you will have to convince him otherwise."

"How? We no longer share a bed or intimacy of any kind. I've tried talking, reassuring. I can't break through. He encourages me to spend my time away from him. But I don't want to live separate lives. I won't abandon him, ever." She whispered.

"I'm so sorry, Greer. You're exhausted, and you miss you, child. Why don't you go inside and lie down?" I asked.

"And leave you?"

"I'll find a way to entertain myself for the time. I can't remember the last time I had the luxury to be alone."

"All right, then."


Feeling the winds blow through my hair, the tall grass around me brushed against my dress as I ran through the fields.

Munch ran around me while trying to bite down the shrubs.

The sun above us was just hot enough for my skin to warm up, enjoying the rays enrich my skin.

"Come here, boy!" I yelled as Munch brought me a stick to throw.


Throwing the wood as far as I could, Munch runs forward, skipping the tall piles of grass on his way.

The Art Of War (TV Series 'Reign') #4Where stories live. Discover now