King And Queen

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"Julius, come here," Talia said as I came into his chambers.

Standing behind the both of them, Julius was being fitted for his navy blue and white coat, which he was going to wear for the wedding tonight.

His hair was carefully parted to the side leaving the shorter part of his brown hair slicked to the side.

"Mama," He whispered seeing as I was gazing at the two of them.

"You look very handsome," I whispered.

"Clarious sent it to me, he said it should be worn by me when I meet my potential wife, but I wanted to wear it tonight."

"You know, I also met your father at a wedding party. It was where he proposed to me, later that week where we got married as well." I added.

"I remember, father told me the story whenever you were away and couldn't put me to sleep when I was little."

Placing my hands on his shoulders, I turn him to face the mirror before brushing his shoulders off.

"Now, you are a King. How times have changed..."

Glancing over my shoulder, I see Talia walking towards us with a black box.

Opening it, I grabbed the gold encrusted Crown with ruby jewels attached around the rim, I lift up my arms and secured it on his head.

" are ready."


Heading down hallways, I greeted Bothwell's immediate family as they entered the castle grounds. His Sister-in-Law was pregnant with her fourth child, as her daughter was already of age to marry.

"It's been lovely to meet you, Lady Henrietta," I whispered, bowing my head before leaving them behind.

"Eliana! She's here!" My father yelled as he, Julius, Bothwell, and Talia ran down the hall.

"Here, wrap this around yourself," Talia said, handing me a white lace scarf to wrap around my shoulders.

"Who's here?" I asked.


Hearing the royal horns blow in the distance, my guards show up behind me as Talia escorted me beside Bothwell.

Her black carriage curved around the water fountain in the middle of the courtyard before stopping down the stairs below us.

She slowly climbed down the steps, before looking up at me and smiling.



Reaching down for my skirt, I hurried down the stairs to embrace her.

"Oh, how I've missed you." I whispered.

"It's been far too long...we have so much to catch up on." She added.

"Yes, we do." Turning around, I wrap her arm around mine as we met up with the rest of my family.

"Queen Elizabeth, lovely to see you again." Talia bowed.

"Lady Talia, likewise."

"Elizabeth." My father whispered, embracing her afterward.

"I still can't believe it, you're alive and healthy."

"I'm old, dear. You can say it." He chuckled.

"And who may this be?" Elizabeth whispered looking over at Bothwell.

"Elizabeth, this is James Hepburn. 4th Earl of Bothwell and my fiance."

Smiling, she bows her head slightly as James does the same.

The Art Of War (TV Series 'Reign') #4Where stories live. Discover now