Royal Consequences

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Walking out of my chambers, freshly washed and in a new dress, I smiled and waved as the guest for Mary's wedding started to appear.

"Your Majesty." They whispered.

"Your Grace."

"Mother," Julius said as he came up to me.

"Julius, is something wrong?" I asked.

"I want to know if you are alright. Lord Malcolm told me about last night..."

"He did...I'm glad you've followed orders. I'm sorry I've had to be very stern with you."

"It's alright, you're trying to keep all of us safe. God knows what Aunt Mary is planning behind our backs." He whispered.

"I want you to stay very far from her, stay close to your grandfather...and make sure he's always in sight. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, absolutely." Kissing his cheeks, Julius pulled back as another guard was walking up to us.

"Your Grace."

"What is it?" I asked seeing the concern on his face.

"It's Lady Mary, she needs you."

Slowly glancing down at the ground, I thank him, before turning back to Julius.

"I'll be right back, I'll see you at the wedding."


"No, buts. I will handle her on my own, you have a class with Lady Lydia. Go."

Watching him leave, I wait until he turns the corner before I head down to Mary's chambers.


"Mary?" I whispered, coming inside her room.

"In here." I heard her say.

Sitting down in front of the fireplace, her snuffling echoes around the room.

"Is everything alright?" I asked coming around her.

"I'm pregnant with Darnley's child..."

Slowly dropping the concern on my face, I could feel my blood thin out and the color of my skin go pale.

"How? When did you find out?"

"The physician told me this morning after I threw up...he gave me some remedies for the discomfort."

Grabbing her a glass of water, I hand it to her before sitting down beside her.

"No one can know that you conceived before the marriage, even with the man you wed," I said.

"What would happen if I did?"

"You will be disgraced-"

"And my child rendered a bastard..." She whispered, she abruptly stopped herself towards the end to take a long sip of water.

"Darnley can't know, either. He would use this as leverage against you, for what you did to Lady Keira." I added.

Sitting down in silence, I occasionally looked over at Mary as she just stared into the fire.

"What will it feel like?" She asked me.

"To give birth?" I asked.

"Everything. The pregnancy, the birth, the aftermath..."

"You'll feel your child moved, they'll respond to the sound of your voice. Birth, on the other hand, it's painful...there's so much blood, but in the end, you get to hold your child-"

The Art Of War (TV Series 'Reign') #4Where stories live. Discover now