Darkened Love

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Standing at the edge of the table, I tie my coat around my waist as Talia and Lydia fastened my boots. Fixing my cuffs of both sides, I stepped down from the stool after I had my hunting attire ready to go.

"Are you sure about this?" Talia said as she stood up and cleaned off her hands.

"I need to finish this once and for all," I whispered as I slid the sword Francis gave me, inside its cover.

Walking out of my chambers, I followed the corridors to the study room where Bothwell was waiting for me.

"I understand you want to lead the charge, but are you sure about this?" He asked as we were feet apart.

"I must show my people and the treasonous privy council, that I am Scotland's only true and legitimate ruler," I said.

"And as such, you must protect yourself and the life of your children at all cost. I have gathered legions of loyal clansmen who are ready to march on your behalf. Allow me to lead in your stead, I beg of you." Bothwell added as he calmly placed his hands on my shoulders.

Glancing out at the group of men waiting outside for Bothwell and me, I look back over at him.

"I will remain at a distance. But I will not stay behind. I want Lord Ruthven and the council to know that it is their Queen who is taking back her castle. And all those involved in the coup last night, they will pay a very steep price for it." I said, before walking out of the estate and mounting my horse.


Standing at the top of the hill, I watched as Bothwell as the clansmen ride beside him as they ride into my castle.

The sound of his voice echoed through the wind, as Lord Ruthven stood high above them in the East building.

"You hold nothing, Lord Ruthven. And the Queen is here...to see you fall." I heard Bothwell say, as all fo the men turned around to look back at the hundreds of men standing behind me.


"For the crimes of high treason and insurrection against the crown, you are sentenced to death, Lord Ruthven. Your family lands will be spared, however, if you testify against your traitorous leader." Bothwell announced as we stood in the courtyard of the castle.

Standing beside Bothwell and my father, I heard whispers forming behind me.

"What is going on?" I asked my father.

"I don't know."

Turning around, I scanned the room and before I see it, Mary is standing underneath a dark archway cloaked in black, with one of my guards beside her.

"She's here," I said.

Glancing over, my father saw her too just before Lord Ruthven said his last words.

"I know nothing of traitors, only Patriots fighting a Catholic tyrant and false Queen. You will get nothing from me." He said.

"As you wish, Lord Ruthven. I will be more than happy to round up the remaining members of your faithless privy council for the testimony I need." I added.

"And on the contrary, Lord Ruthven. I do get something from you."

"And what would that be." He hissed.

Slowly making my way to the wooden beam he stood on, I smirked up at him.

"Your life."

Kicking the beam as hard as I could with the front part of my boots, Lord Ruthven's body quickly falls as the sound of his neck snapping in two echoes.

The Art Of War (TV Series 'Reign') #4Where stories live. Discover now