Royal Massacre

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Mary's POV

Walking around the throne room, being surrounded by flowers and wedding decorations, I saw Darnley walking into the room adjusting his belt.

"You're late." I hissed.

"You're lucky they aren't here yet."

"I apologize. Wouldn't want to miss greeting your Medici guest."

Turning around quickly, I stood close to Darnley.

"Our Medici guest. And we must present a strong and united front for them."

"I'm here now." He whispered.

"It's not just about now. Over the coming week, guest will be arriving from across the continent to witness our catholic wedding. We have to show them we are a good fit if I want to take back the throne." I hissed quietly, occasionally glancing behind me.

"Lucrezia de Medici is a very powerful ally that I need in order for her to help me get back my crown. She lends legitimacy and strength. Both to my sister's Scottish rule, and hopefully my own...once I remove Eliana."

"But?" She added.

"But, what?"

"Lucrezia and Eliana share a deep history, don't they?" He asked.

Looking up at him I rolled my eyes, to glanced and smile at another servant.

"Lucrezia and my sister are godmothers to each of their children...another reason why I need her on my side."

"And there it is...the one reason you're still keeping me around."

"Yes. Don't make me regret my decision. In fact, if you have any other affairs or secrets to spring on me, you'd best get them out of the way now."

"I know I made a mistake with Keira. She's in the past. You are all that matters to me now."

"There's my favorite hell-raiser!" I heard a man yelled from behind me.

"Darnley, you handsome bastard, hey."

"Malcolm! Um, excuse me. He's an old friend...You've arrived." He said to me as he strides over to his friend.

"You made it!" He said as he embraced his friend.

"Should have known it would take a crown to nail you down."

"My lady, the duchess of Florence and her family have arrived."

Hearing her heels echoing on the floor, I smiled politely as my hands rested in front of me.

"Lady Lucrezia, thank you so much for traveling such a great distance."

"No distance is too great to honor the widow of our dear cousin, Francis de Valois." She whispered.

Guiding her around the wedding decorations, we casually walked around until we stood behind Darnley and his friend, Malcolm.

"...That Francis was a frail dwarf with undescended testicles."

"How dare you!" Lucrezia blurted out as I clenched my jaw tightly as I could feel my blood boil with anger.

"Duchess, I didn't, um-"

"Francis was a wonderful King we Medicis are proud to be related to. If this is the behavior we're to be subjected to at this wedding, we will be taking our leave...immediately." She hissed as she turned to look at me and walked away.

"Tell the Queen, I will want a private audience with her when she arrives from England." She added.

Watching as Darnley dismisses his friend, I stride up to him angrily.

The Art Of War (TV Series 'Reign') #4Where stories live. Discover now