Burn Them All

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Bothwell's POV

Walking back from riding with Julius and his grandfather, we washed up in the stables before returning back into the castle were servants and guards stood by Eliana's study room.

"What's going on?" Julius whispered.

"Is something wrong?" I asked the servants, to which they bowed their heads and spoke.

"She's been discussing with some local parishioners, Your Majesty." She said to me.

Closely listening in on Eliana's conversation, their voices were quite enough to hear the nobles outside her window walking down the garden.

"Gravediggers? What would Eliana want to do with gravediggers?" James asked.

"I don't know..."

Then suddenly the doors fly open and two parishioners walked out, bowed, and then continue their way down the halls.

Slowly entering the room, Eliana sat at her desk, facing the large portrait of her Grandfather's side of the family. She fidgeted with the several documents on her desk before glancing up and noticing us.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

Staying silent, she returns back to her papers.

"Are you planning Mary's funeral? Is that why you brought in gravediggers?" Her father asked.

Keeping quite, she rose from her chair resting her hands on the edge as she took a deep breath.

"This is a matter of fragile hands, I ask that the three of you stay out of this." She said, holding her stomach as she walked out of the room.

Staring blankly at each other, Julius walked out of the room without a second thought, leaving James and myself alone to contemplate on our thoughts.

"Do you want to take care of this or should I?" I asked him.

"She's your wife." He bluntly whispered.

"You're her father."

"She's your Queen." Talia blurted out, standing in the middle of the doorframe.

Sighing, we walked beside each other until we found Eliana discussing with Cardinal Adomo.

"I'm pleased you reached out so soon, Your Majesty. I'm glad to be of assistance." Adomo said.

"Thank you, Cardinal. I want to speak to you about Marie De Guise..."

"Of course. What would you like to know?"

Interrupting the both of them, Cardinal Adomo and Elian turned to look at the two of us.

"Sorry, I...we were hoping to speak to you, Eliana," I said, looking only at her.

"If you would excuse me, Cardinal." She whispered.

Leaving him behind, James and I stride to the next room.

"What is it?"

"Eliana, what are you doing with Gravediggers." Her father asked.

"They are of use to me, father. I don't need to explain myself." 

"And about Marie De Guise? I thought you said you were done with her?" I asked.

"It's come to attention that she's also my problem, even as a rotting corpse." She hissed angrily, walking back into the room and closing the door behind her.

Eliana's POV

Drinking my tea, Cardinal Adomo and I continue on with our conversation.

The Art Of War (TV Series 'Reign') #4Where stories live. Discover now