Royal Bloodlines

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Standing in the library late at night, James and I were sitting near the window crook as he spoke to me about Knox's plan.

"So, was to protect me?" I asked.

"Yes. He knows that you won't kill Mary because of how you feel about her, and your history. But if he somehow got Mary to start a feud with Elizabeth, you would have no say in the matter of her death."

Staring off into the distance, the words that traveled out of James' mouth seemed to go through one ear and out the other.

"You do realize, you're talking about beheading a former Queen?"

"She was never one to begin with, Eliana. She's just a bastard born, Marie De Guise had no title until she married our father and since then she still had no power to make the decisions in Scotland, I was."

"What if she finds out? She has Catholic spies everywhere, it would only be a matter of time."

"I know, the plan sounds out of reach-"

"It's not...Mary has been charged with Adultery against Francis when they had separated a year ago...not to mention the supposed death of Don Carlos of Spain."

"What?" James blurted out.

"It's a long story," I whispered.

Rising from my seat, I wrapped my arms around me as I moved to the middle of the room.

"What are we gonna do?" James asked.

"Nothing...I can't move forward with Knox's plan until I have evidence, and who knows what Elizabeth is doing in England with him right now?"

Elizabeth's POV

Enjoying my tea in the study room, I hear the doors open as Reverend Knox walks inside.

"Your Majesty."

"Lord Knox, please," I said asking him to join me.

"What have you brought me this time?" I asked.

"News...Eliana knows about my plan."

"Is that a good idea?"

"Not if you want her to help you get one step closer to killing your enemy and having your cousin back." He said.

"Continue," I smirked.

"Prince James has been informed about your knowledge and has told our Scottish Queen about our plan to behead Mary-"


"Why do you assume-"

"I know my dear cousin will not give up someone she cares about easily. What does she want?" I asked.

"Evidence. Enough to make her torture something all of Scotland and England can remember."

"Mary hasn't done anything suspicious since she arrived? I mean, what can she do? The Tudor blood is running through our veins, Mary wouldn't be able to pass Eliana." I said.

"What about her relationship with Prince Conde?" Knox asked.

"I already tried that..."

"And what happened?" He asked.

"She stepped foot on Scotland is what happened. What about the servants? They whisper among the walls, they must have something on Mary."

"If they do, they're more scared for Eliana's rath rather than hers."

"Bloody hell..."

Closing my book, I pushed it aside to turn my head to the window.

"If we can't find anything in time, we might just lose my cousin forever..."

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