Epilogue: Truest Love.

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Standing near the window, I watched the guards outside the castle grounds, patrol around as King Henry road back from his hunt in the Blood Woods.

The French flags flew around as the wind blew against them, slowly and steadily making their way back to the castle.

"Eliana..." Talia whispered.

Walking into my chambers, she held a red silk dress with gold embroidering around the top half of the dress. As she laid the gown on my bed, I saw the long train which was attached after.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

Standing behind a panel, I changed out of my clothes as she tied the dress around me.

"Arms up."

Letting the skirt fall down around me, she had grabbed the back of the train and lifted it up revealing the long silk fabric on the floor.

"Is everyone waiting?" I asked Talia, as she started to braid my hair.

"...Yes. But it's good for the future Queen to be late, it keeps everyone on edge."

"Is Marie here?" I asked nervously.

"No. But she did send one of your Councilmen here to witness the engagement first-hand."

Letting her pin down the hair piece to the back of my head, I stared at the necklace she had clipped around my neck. 

"Perfect." She whispered, resting her hands on my shoulder.


Soldiers stood in every corner of the castle, ladies patiently walked to their areas as we passed through the halls. Dukes, Knights, and relatives of King Henry and Queen Catherine bowed their heads as they started to head into the grand room.

Walking with my shoulders back and my head up high, I could see the back of Sebastian's head as I turned the corner. His dark brown hair was freshly trimmed and swept to the side, as his attire was matching his mother's clothing.

"Lady Poitiers," I whispered.

"Queen Eliana. You look radiant as always."

"Thank you."

Heading to inside, she was accompanied by two guards as she made her way to Henry's side.

"You look beautiful, Eliana." Bash said as he stood beside me.

"Thank you."

Feeling my dress become tighter with every breath I took, I wrapped my arms around my waist, feeling my lungs expand.

"Are you alright?" Bash asked.

Looking up into his icy blue eyes, I somehow felt safe and calm seeing as he wasn't at all worried.

"I've waited for this day since I was a little girl. Scotland has been waiting since...since my father died." I whispered.

Grabbing the top of my hands, he caresses them with his thumbs.

"You're getting engaged to Francis, someone who knows how you feel. Your father and Scotland are all here with you, Eliana." He said as his blue eyes roam around my face.

"I know. After today, if everything goes well, I won't see France until I'm of age." I told Bash.

"At least when you come back, Francis would have grown some inches." He joked.

Pushing his shoulder back slightly, we both chuckled quietly to each other before the sound of trumpets echo down the halls.

"I guess it's time. Good luck." He whispered before giving me a quick hug and slipping through the doors.

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