Sins Of Our Past

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Standing near the Castle's entrance, horns blew in the distance as the large black gates open and a carriage rolled through the gravel. Guards, Servants, Ladies, even Elizabeth's Privy Council stood beside Bothwell and me as we watched the horsemen halt in front of us.

"Your Majesty..." Cardinal Adomo said as he joined us.

"Is everything being prepared?" I whispered.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Standing still, the horsemen in front of the carriage opened the back and slowly pulled out a black casket.

"Where would you like us to set the body, Your Grace?" They asked but I couldn't find a single word in my mind.

My eyes were completely attached to Marie De Guise' casket, the black glossed box Mary had chosen for her reflected back at me and slowly as I glanced up at my reflection flashbacks of my life ran across my mind.

'I'm next for the thrown, you and Mary are nothing here. You never were, just a warm mouth for my father." I blurted out angrily.' Her hand slaps me across my face, forcing me to face the marble pillar. Feeling the burn on my cheek, I turn to her, watching her sinister reaction.

'I'm stripping Queen Eliana from her crown and thrown here at court. As Queen, you are put into Oath, protect your people, secure alliances, and bare Heirs...Queen Eliana has sadly refused to provide all three. As Queen Regent, I'm appointing a new Queen.' Carefully taking off my crown, I hand it over and Marie rips out of my hands. Narrowing her eyes at me, it was just a split second later that her expression changed and she smiled her way to Mary and placed the crown on her head.

'I did not raise you to be weak, certainly not your father. And your mother...despite you not knowing her, would've not wanted you to give up so quickly. You're a Tudor, Eliana. It's time you start acting like one.' Talia said.

"Your Majesty?" Cardinal Adomo said, waving his hand in front of me.

"Eliana?" Bothwell whispered.

"Set her in the dungeons...hopefully, she'll fond with the rats." I blurted out, before turning around and walking back into the castle.


Slowly pacing back and forth in the library, the feeling in my heart wasn't full of worry or stress. I was feeling patient, well prepared of what my plans were. 

"Is everything alright?" Talia asked as my father, James, and Bothwell entered the room.

Rubbing my stomach, I glanced up at my Uncle, who looked down at me from the ceiling.

"The last time I saw Marie De Guise...she was giving Mary permission to wed Francis, she had forced me to stay in France until they had their first heir. 3 years later, Francis is dead, Marie is dead, and I am Queen." I whispered, still looking at the portrait.

"And you're surrounded by people who support you?" Talia whispered.

"I now I am...but today when I stared at Marie's casket. I remembered the first few days I arrived back from France, how angry she was, how angry you were when she slapped me." I added.

"She hit you?!" My father and James yelled together.

"After I told her she was only married to you because you loved her warm mouth...seems like I read to much about my Uncle's life than yours, Father." I chuckled.

Slowly walking to the portrait, I smiled at the man looking down at me.

"You were right, Talia. I am a Tudor...and it's time I started to act like one." I whispered hearing my father's footsteps walk up behind me.

The Art Of War (TV Series 'Reign') #4Where stories live. Discover now