A Beautiful Mess

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Sitting in my study room, I heard the double doors open behind me.

"There you are..." I heard Greer whisper.

"Oh, Greer!" Standing up from my chair, I hugged Greer tightly before she sat down beside me and Leah.

"I thought you weren't going to return back to Court until after Mary's birth?" I asked.

"I said that last month...I'm guessing she's pretty huge now." She whispered.

"I wouldn't know. I haven't really asked about her recently, but the last time I saw her I hung Lord Ruthven alive."

Taking a sip of my tea, I fold up the letter I was writing and set it aside.

"I have some news that might interest you," I said as she glanced over at me.

"I've called James back to court," I added.

"You've lifted your brother's banishment?"

"I haven't heard back from him, yet. But I told him how urgent my situation is here with Mary and her birth being right around the corner, and the fact that I'm still operating without a full Privy Council."

"You want James to fill one of the seats?"

"No, I want to name him Regent. Just in case, you never know what Mary's been up to these past few weeks." I whispered, sipping my tea again.

"You will be fine, Eliana. With Bothwell by your side, he's not going to let anyone hurt you? They're both loyal to you." She said before she lifted her eyebrows.

"Greer...what is it?" I asked.

"Something I probably shouldn't tell you. I know you're trying against all odds to keep the peace between Darnley-"

"What did he did do this time?" I blurted out.


"You actually feel sympathy...for Darnley? The snake that's tried to ruin you-"

"Bothwell, the man is ill. For all, we know the illness could've cost his insanity and cruelty." I said.

Standing in my chambers, Bothwell and I were in a heated argument about my decision with sending Darnley to a doctor just north of here where he would get treatment before his child arrives.

"Don't waste this moment making excuses for him. This may be your last chance to save yourself and destroy him." He blurted out.

"I told you, I'm not interested in bloodshed. There's been enough already."

"Seems the disease will kill him for us...and childbirth will do the same for Mary." Bothwell blurted out.


"We need only to lock them away. After we can get married, without having to publicly hang Mary. Leaving your hands clean, and keeping your conscious sane." He whispered as he walked closer to me.

"Please...Mary's life will always be in my hands. If she dies during the birth, her allies will blame it on my physician. If she's hanged, they will remember Elizabeth and I as the people who killed their God forsaken Queen."

Sighing, he places his hands on my shoulders before sliding them down my arms.

"He's still wed to Mary, he's still the father of her child...and King Consort of Scotland. We had our chance to convict him and we failed, he's letting me go once I give him his son. Just, please...please be patient. I don't beg for anything James, but for this I do." I whispered.

"I don't believe that...Mary's family and her relatives will always want your throne. They'll make up stories just for people to build up conspiracies towards you. I won't rest until they are dead." He whispered.

The Art Of War (TV Series 'Reign') #4Where stories live. Discover now