A Queen's Weakness

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4 MONTHS LATER: 6 Months Pregnant

Laying down in bed, I felt a hand press down on my shoulder. Their breathing raspy and loud as it ran down my neck and my chest.

Open my eyes slightly, I'm blinded by the sun peeking through the red curtains before I could finally make out a shape of the things sitting in front of me.

"Da!" James yelled as he smiled as threw his arms around my neck.

"Oh, hello." I laughed, wrapping my arms around him gently before I notice Bothwell leaning on the bedframe beside us.

"I thought it would be better this way instead of Talia pulling you out of bed." He whispered.

Kissing James around him face simultaneously, I laid him beside me and caressed his cheek.

"This is better...thank you." I smiled at Bothwell.

Hearing the door open, Talia walks in with a mauve dress laying across her arms.

"Good, you're up. Let's get you ready." She blurted out.

Leaning on the bed, Bothwell pushes me up from the pillows behind me to sit up on the bed.

"For what? Elizabeth hasn't sent word she was coming?" I asked.

"Then you have been mistaken...she's here."

Throwing the covers off my legs, James squeals with glee just as Bothwell holds him in his arms and they leave the room.

"Here, put your arms inside," Talia said as I stood still with my arms out.

Glancing down at my growing belly, I noticed the empire waist just underneath my chest as the rest of the skirts dropped over my belly and down to my feet. The long sleeves ended just an inch above my wrist, leaving space for a bracelet.

"How do you like it? Cardinal Adomo sent it from Rome."

"Cardinal Adomo? The man has taste..." I chuckled.

Running my fingers across the embroidery around the wrists and the square neckline on my chest, I didn't notice Talia placing a new crown on my head.

"Did this come from Cardinal Adomo as well?" I asked.

"Actually...it's from your father. He wanted you to have something small, instead of wearing those chunky heavy crowns I have to haul around."

"Small..." I sighed.

"I like it..."

Finishing up with my hair, Talia and I hurried down the hall where a large crowd which filled the room entirely, divided like the great sea and giving me a clear path directly to Elizabeth, who was standing at the end of the hall.

"Elizabeth." I gasped.


Striding as fast as I could, she embraced me tightly, wrapping her arms around my growing belly.

"My God...you have grown since the last time."

"You've been gone for 4 months...things change during that time," I whispered.

Walking beside each other, we entered the study room, where my father, Bothwell, and James were waiting for the both of us.

"I'm glad to see you have a trusted counsel with you at all times." She said with an impressive tone.

"Your Majesties." The three of them whispered and bowed.

"Thank you, Gentlemen," Elizabeth added.

The Art Of War (TV Series 'Reign') #4Where stories live. Discover now