A Son Is Not His Father' Mistakes

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As I walked around the grassy field with James by my side, we enjoyed the view of men building up towers and obstacle courses for the games tomorrow afternoon. Flags were hung up in all places, representing out Scottish culture.

Animals, horses, pigs, dogs, and chickens were roaming freely as they were guided by their owners.

"You know, I read about these game in mother's letters. Even though they are old and gray, she spoke of them with such delight." I said to James.

"Well, I remember quite clearly. People from all over Scotland will come, but more this year than ever, because of you. Their rightful queen's first time hosting the Highland Games."

Smiling at the small children as they run down the dirt roads, I glanced back up at James.

"Nobles, Clan Leaders, and commoners alike...all prouder than ever to be Scots."

"Good," I said nervously.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing..."

"Eliana, I know you...you become quiet and stern when something is bothering you," James said as he stepped in front of me.

"It's Mary. She plans to announce her engagement at the banquet." I whispered.

"In front of everyone?"

"She wants to remind everyone about his heroic act when he saved that poor child from the fire."

"It does make quite the first impression. Many commoners have embraced him, but the nobles are not so quickly swayed."

"I know...if I want Mary to keep her head, I need her to wed someone else. But you know her, she's her mother's daughter."

"I know, I can see the resemblance." He whispered.

"My return has inspired people, it has made them learn to trust me. If they see that I've accepted Mary's engagement to Lord Darnley, it will only raise more superstitious for what she's after."

"Your crown..."

"And Elizabeth. She wants the both of us to rule together, and if that means killing the only obstacle in our way, then she will." Glancing around the area we were standing, I noticed the Scottish flag blowing in the wind.

"I wonder what would father do...he saved our Uncle Edward from becoming the next King, from becoming Marie de Guise's victim. How do I help Mary?" I asked.

"If she publicly announces the engagement, Elizabeth will take that as an act of war. At that moment, I don't think you can help Mary."

"At times like this, I wish Francis were here. He'd know what to do, know it's just me."

"Answer me this, Eliana. If it came to it if Mary made you angry enough, would you kill her yourself?" James asked.

"Why would you say that?" I asked cautiously.

"You've killed men before, who have disrespected you and your family. Mary is none of that, so would you?"

"I'm not going to answer that in public, James."

"Apologies. But she's not family, and if Mary did have any part of our father's death-"

"What are you saying?" I blurted out.

"...Nothing. Again, I apologize." He whispered before walking away.

"James..." I called out for him.


"Don't forget this." Pulling out a letter from my sleeve I hand it over to him.

"Where did you find this?" He asked as he stared down the brown letter with a red seal.

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