Long May You Reign

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Standing with my back towards Talia, I crossed my arms over my chest holding the off-shoulder straps while she pulled and tightened my corset.

"You can let go, now." She whispered.

Turning around, I slowly glanced up from the floor to the person standing in front of me.

She wore a sky blue dress with gold embroidering around the corset and generously scattered around the rest of the dress. Her neck was heavily wrapped in a cloth of gold, covered with embroidery in colored silks. Decorated with red roses, grey-green leaves, and silver fleurs-de-lis, they lined throughout the mantle.

It wasn't until I saw myself in the mirror, that I was looking at the Future Queen of England.

"I looked at myself the day of my Coronation...I didn't think I'd make it through the door without being choked by that thing." Elizabeth said as she walked through my chamber.

"You're here? I thought you would half way to Kenwood by now?"

"And miss my dear cousin's Coronation? What kind of a subject would I be?" She chuckled.

Pushing back the robe, I stretched out my arms and embraced Elizabeth wholeheartedly.

"I'm going to this..." I whispered.

"I'll be around...making sure you don't go off declaring Wars with Spain."

"Just to be clear, your friend Francis Drake  declared War on Phillip-"

"And I won. Now, you get to celebrate." She said, fixing the robe I pushed behind my shoulders.

"There is still time to declare you Queen, Elizabeth."

"Nonsense. We didn't go through all this trouble to see Mary die for my throne, this country knew I would step down. They are more than eager to see you Reign beside James, where is the future King actually?" She questioned turning around to look at the empty sitting area.

"He's getting ready in the next room."


Striding over to my vanity, Elizabeth carefully opens a red velvet box that was placed there before sunrise.

"I saw it this morning when I woke, no one's been able to tell me who brought it."

"I did." She added, turning around and holding the solid Gold crown in her hands.

Gazing down at her hands, I remembered the beautifully arch crown in her hands. Worn by the past Queens of England, every single ruby, sapphire, pearl, and diamond were attached.

"This was..."

"My mothers...my sister's...mine...and now it's yours. Not officially, but until you're crown, this will be yours until your last breath." Elizabeth whispered, placing the crown in my hands.

"Everything you have done, everything you are sacrificing, are you sure you want to continue? I'm asking twice because I know the consequences of taking someone else's throne."

Caressing my cheek, she smiled at me sincerely before leaning her head against mine.

"I wasn't meant to be Queen, my father made that very clear from the beginning. But you, Eliana, you are the Queen that was promised. I will not regret any of this as long as you are Queen, as my Queen." She whispered.

"...You...are always welcome here in court." I sniffled.

"This isn't just my home, it's our home. Don't you forget that, Elizabeth."

"I won't." She smiled, before turning around and walking out the door.

Quietly opening the door, Talia walks in with her Coronation attire.

The Art Of War (TV Series 'Reign') #4Where stories live. Discover now