Who Orders Who

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James's POV

"Elbows bent," I say to Mary as she rubs her elbows.

Standing far from her, we stood steady before lunging at each other with our swords.


She came at me very fiercely, attacking me at the highest and lowest parts. The sound of our metal swords hitting each other sent loud bell-like chimes around the room and before Ik new it Mary's sword flew across the room.

"Charge too quickly, you'll find yourself at the end of the blade," I whispered to her as I slowly brought up my sword to her neck.

"Let's break."

"Come on, you know I like fighting." Mary blurted out taking her sword back from one of the men standing by.

"When there are two Queens vying for the same throne, only one can survive." She added.

"Are you talking about Eliana and Elizabeth?"

"You heard the way she was speaking to Narcisse about her a few days ago. Seems like they ended on the wrong foot."

"But going to war over it?"

"It's Lola, James. You may not have known her, but she was my dearest friend, Eliana knows that."

Walking over to the table nearby, I grabbed a silver glass and pour Mary some wine before pouring my own.

"Is that why you've reached out to Lord Darnley? Not enough wood to their fire." I suggested.

"I would never put my sister's life in the center of all of this. We both know that if I don't get married soon, Elizabeth will find some sort of way to get to me."

"And you think he's going to help you solve all of your problems?"

"Darnley is willing to travel to Scotland to begin courtship."

"And he knows that will infuriate Elizabeth? Darnley's family has been hovering near the English throne for years." I whispered.

"Because his family has their own claim-"

"To which is also going to our sister's place in the English throne. With Elizabeth and their dispute, we have no idea of knowing if Eliana is still her next successor."

"He has many allies in England who would support him. If I get married to Lord Darnley, Eliana never has to say goodbye to her place on the Tudor throne."

"You do know that Darnley would become King and Eliana his Queen, right?" I added.

"And I can promise him an heir, something Elizabeth has refused to provide," Mary whispered.

"Darnley comes from a family of vipers, who have a reputation for ruthless ambition. Not to mention he overindulges in women and drinks."

"Elizabeth executed my friend. I'm not looking for a man to love, I'm looking for a weapon to use against her. To make sure the throne is secure for this family."

"You mean Eliana?" I added.


"You would be wed to a catholic man."

"Scotland is protestant-catholic now. I cannot change it back, Eliana would refuse to."

"The protestants won't think that if Eliana is ruling by a Catholic king. Marry Darnley and Knox will turn this country against you, forcing Eliana to take measures into her own hands." I added.

"That will never happen. If we want to take England, we need power. I've already made inquiries about Darnley..."

"There will always be powerful suitors. Look, you've been back barely a month and already you have marriage offers from Islanders, Clan Sutherland, Hamilton, Clan Gordon-"

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