1. Welcome to Alola!

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Narrator POV

   Alola... the land of the moon and the land of the sun... an island paradise filled with Pokémon that's never seen in Kanto. But the ones seen in Kanto have quite the different looks here in Alola...

   It had been less than a day that new people moved in near Ten Carat Hill. Property's slightly empty aside from a couple of berries and simple furniture, items still kept snug in their boxes, and a mother of one basking under the Alolan moon along with her trusty Meowth with a wide smile from ear to ear.

"Ahh, nothing is better than being under the calming Alolan moon!" The woman was at ease with herself, but was seen to be slightly tired from the never ending flight in the tropics. But that wasn't going to stop her from unpacking boxes and relying on her Meowth to wake up the youngest resident of the house.

"Meowth, go get Luma for me would you?"


With that request, the Meowth ran inside towards the door closest to the one it just entered, and entered the room. Within was a Ditto plush covered in scratches and bite marks along with a desk filled with miscellaneous things such as a globe, a Pikachu figurine, and a book titled "Adventure Rules" that laid beside a steel band bracelet with a small star in the front.

   Beside the cluttered desk stood a bed with a young girl sleeping soundly with a wide grin on her face and drool running from her mouth onto the covers.



   The Meowth attempted to try using its "words" to awaken the Ebony haired girl, but to no avail. She still slept away... Until it pounced from the floor onto the girl's stomach, landing feet first with a slightly annoyed look in it's eyes. With that, the poor youth jolted awake with a yelp as the Meowth jumped back onto the floor standing on two feet.

"Oww... jeez Meowth... you didn't have to land on my stomach...", wiping her eyes and yawning from fatigue, she faced the Meowth with a very unamused look on her face.

????'s POV

  My name is Luminaria Moon. But please, just call me Luma. I'm an Eleven year old who just moved to Alola with my Mom and her Meowth. We came for a change of pace and to get away from the city air of Kanto. Also because I was given the opportunity to become a full fledged Pokémon trainer thanks to Professor Kukui. He was actually the one who talked my mother into moving here. Me? I just remember my mom constantly talking about it and how one day we should move here. So I thought about talking to a local Alolan who lived there and talked to the Professor, and we quickly packed our bags and booked the earliest flight.

  Well of course I was jet lagged. I mean you try to be cooped inside of a plane for what seemed like an eternity just eying at fluffy clouds, blue skies and ocean. But enough of that, I guess mom needed something from me or at least wanted to know that I was okay. So I got off my lazy butt and walked out of my room, but not without slipping on the silver star bracelet that I got from my late father on my right wrist. My mom was waiting for me just outside my door with her usual grin, but she had quite the attire on with Alolan clothing. I wasn't even sure how... or when she got it, all I knew was that she had on a pastel yellow t-shirt with a mango colored skirt with white flowers and a green border and army green sandals. She also had a pair of sunglasses on top of her head. She looked like the fitting picture of an Alolan Resident.

"You were out like a light. You ought to be full of energy right now."
  She sounded enthusiastic. It's like the plane ride never even affected her! I am amazed... I just scratched my head and chuckled a little.

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