16. The Road to the Enemy

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Luma's POV

I walked along the roads of Malie City, feeling the top of my head for my hat, only to remember that Null had chopped it to two... I sighed as I looked

"First my Red Flower Beanie on the bridge and now my Trilby to Type:Null... at this rate, I might as well not wear a hat in this region.."

I looked up and saw Gladion waiting for me, gazing at the sea. Huh... guess he's appreciating the scenery more since that night. Woah... I feel like my heart is beating out of my chest. I shook my head and held my bag strap tight, walking towards the edgelord himself.

"Hey," I waved at him.

He turned towards me and looked next to me.

"So, we're waiting for Hau?"

Hey, guess he wanted Hau to come along after all... even though there's some agro between them.

"Oh, he'll come. Hau's not the kind of guy to back out on his friends," I smirked and gave Gladion a confident nod, keeping my head held high.

"Yeah, I guess so... he's a pretty interesting kid. I'll give you that."

He looked down at the ground and seemed to be lost in thought the way he spoke to himself.

"Growing up in the great kahuna's shadow and still trying to stand up to Hala as an equal? I couldn't do it."

I walked closer and placed my finger on the center of his chest. he followed it until I hit the bottom of his nose, causing him to look at me with confusion.

Gladion's POV

"W-why did you do that for?"

I couldn't help but blush at her actions. She really is a strange one. She chuckled and pointed up at the sky.

"You shouldn't be looking down so much, your necks gonna be like a bendy straw," she smirked and placed her other hand on her waist. She chuckled again and allowed her arm to relax. But that all changed when we heard another set of footsteps.
But they weren't Hau's

"Officer Nanu?" I questioned.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Took the words right out of my mouth.

We heard him mumble something under his breath, but neither of us could hear him. It was like he didn't want us to hear what he had to say. Until he faced Luma.

"You there, girl."

She looks around and turns her head back to Nanu. confused, she pointed to herself and mouthed something. It was kind of like she was saying "are you talking to me?" Sounds like a response she would have.

"Unless Blondie here's got something to hide, then yes I'm talking to you. I'm an island Kahuna, you know. Battle against me."

I face palmed softly at his remark, looking away at the two.

"It'll be a good experience for you if you're really hoping to master the Island challenge..." he added.

"We're kind of in a hurry office-"

"Okay, I will," she interrupted.

I looked at her with a baffled expression, while she winked at me and turned back to Nanu, beginning their battle. She was beating all of his Pokémon one by one. Her strength is amazing... but I also made one recognition.

"That's right... She has at least one fairy type... and all of his Pokémon are dark. She has a handicap, and she's abusing that handicap with her Pokémon," I obsvered as she brought out an Alolan Ninetails, yet another fairy type, use Dazzling Gleam and beat the Persian in front of it.

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