1.5. The Assistant, The Grandson, and the School Rumble

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Author's Note

Okay sooo.... I ended up going a little too ahead in my second play through and writing this without much knowledge of the dialogue in Melemele, I just decided to try and crunch things up. These sorts of parts will probably be seen as more flashbacks. But next part, we'll get to some more of the story.

Luma's POV

Many things had happened over the coarse of the three days I lived here in Alola. The girl who I met back at that cliff turned out to be the Professor's assistant. She said her name was Lillie and that the Pokémon I helped her save was Cosmog, or in her case Nebby. She said that she needed to keep Nebby a secret from the public and thus... why it's always stuffed in a bag... poor little guy... but I guess it's better than being attacked by wild Spearow.

  I also met the Island Kahuna Hala, who is seen to be (in the words of the Professor) the fitting picture of a Kahuna (or what I thought a Kahuna would be like). He was also the one who gave me my first Pokémon. I was given the choices of the grass type Rowlet, the fire type Litten, and the water type Popplio. So I went with Popplio, and I do not regret my decision. Although I kind of regret not being able to take all of them... but oh well, it would be pretty hard to start with three. I also found it really nice that you can see if they choose you and wish to travel with you rather than just you accepting it. I also decided to give my Popplio the nickname Poppy. Lillie and Hala kind of gave me a strange look because the Popplio's a boy, but Kukui thought it was a nice little nickname for it since it was technically short for its name sake.

  Oh yeah... I also met this guy who looked to be somewhere around mine and Lillie's age. He was a really enthusiastic guy who's blood boils for battle. I remember what he said when he first laid eyes on me... haha... it was kind of funny...

"Hey! You and Me! Let's have a Pokémon battle!"


Hala walks towards him laughing his butt off.

"Dahahahaha! Where's the fire old boy? What kind of a Pokémon battle would that be if you don't even give a name firist?"

The boy then looked and me with a wide grin and put his hands behind his head while I looked at him with a very confused look on my face.

"Fair enough! I'm Hau and my partner is Litten!"

"Hehe! Nice to meet you Hau, I'm Luma and this is my partner, Poppy."

"Your Popplio is pretty cool!"

"You like Pokémon?"

"Well yeah! So let's have a battle!"

  I would be lying if I was pretty annoyed with him at first, but after that battle, he was actually a pretty nice guy with as much enthusiasm as me. Maybe even more than me and my mom combined! Turns out he was the grandson of Hala. I was pretty shock to has seen that Hau was related to him, but set that aside when he realized I had some kind of a shining stone. I told him that a Pokémon with a bird like appearance came and saved me and must've left that for me to keep. He told me that that Pokémon was one other than the guardian of Melemele itself, Tapu Koko. He thought it was destiny that I moved here if Tapu Koko gave me that stone. He kept it for the time being and promised me that he would return it soon.

After that, I arrived home and introduced Poppy to my mom and Meowth. It looked like they got along pretty well, and my mom fell in love with him. She agreed with me saying that he was cool and cute.

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