24. The Name Game

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Eyyyy everyone! It's me, Miso! Yaaay! And guess what? IM BAACK!!! Well... sorta. I'm still a wee bit busy so updates maybe slow... but nonetheless, I'll try to update as soon as I can! In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the next chapter!






Luma's POV

"W-woah! Lillie! Your outfit!"

She had on quite the ensemble. A pale pink shirt with a matching skirt and white sneakers, along with a matching pale blue ribbon and a pink bag pack.

She's changed! Like... she's ready for anything! Way to go Lillie!

"S-so uhh..."

"U-uh... yeah!" I stuttered. It's hard to find the words...

"I picked these clothes up in Malie... Do you think they suit me?" She asked me... she didn't seem sure. Like she was shy about her new outfit.

"Are you kidding..."

I need to think of something... quick!

"They suit you like a Gardevoir in a catwalk! It's perfect on you! Amazing!"

Oh boy... I'm rambling again... I hope she's not getting the wrong idea... wait why  I getting embarrassed??

"Oh Luma! Thank you!"

She ran in for a hug which caused me to nearly fall over, but I managed to keep my footing. She stepped back to leave me room and placed her hands on the straps of the bag pack.

"I feel like there's so much I have to do now... to save Nebby... to save my mother..."

"How so?"

"Well, I..."

She was looking out at the sea and then back to me, with a wide smile on her face that stretched from ear to ear.

"I want to be like you, Luma! I want to be strong enough to face any trial... and that's why..."

She paused for a sec to collect her thoughts... I'm not really that strong you know... it's only because I have you guys with me that I'm strong... the wonderous thing that is known to be the power of friendship.

"That's why I'm going to try my hardest! This is my Z- Powered form!"

She then started initiating the Normal Z-Move dance that me or Hau would perform... albeit it was a bit uncoordinated...

It was soo cute~

After she stopped, we giggled toward one another, giving off our location to Gladion who was near by.

"So this is where you were... I found this downstairs..."

Hmm? A flute with a sun on it? Why does he have that? He handed it to Lillie so she can closely examine it.

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