23. A Tale of Two Moons (Nightmare Part 2)

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Gladion's POV

"Damn it... why must there be such a racket with those two?"

I walked along the residential quarters when I've gotten complaints of screaming and shouting in one of the rooms. I may already know who however. Although, it didn't seem to be shouting anymore. It was crying and whimpering.

"Tch! How annoying..."

I walked toward the quarters where Hau was sleeping in, and heard the source of the crying one door across from Hau's; Luma's room. She must've had another nightmare. Honestly, she's such a child... but it could be because of all that occurred with Lusamine and Cosmog. I approached the door and slowly knocked, the crying being replaced with a small gasp.

"U-umm... Wh-who is it?"

"It's Gladion. I'm coming in."

"N-No! Wait! I'll get the door..."

I heard footsteps approaching the door and saw it swing open, revealing the Black Haired girl. It was obvious from the look of her face that she was not sleeping very comfortably.

"I suggest you keep it down. There have been complaints of shouting and screaming here..."

"Oh... i, u-u-umm... sorry."

Hmm?  No witty comeback or snarky comment? That's a first... guess she did have a nightmare after all... but whether or not it was like the last time, I wasn't so sure. But it was obvious that if I left her alone, she'd probably be screaming her head off again. Might as well calm her down. I walked up to her bed and sat myself down.

"Well? Aren't you going to sit?"

She jumped up at my remark, but quickly closed the door and sat next to me, looking at the window in a seemingly catatonic state. I felt like I was staring at her for a long time, because she started to look towards my direction and back to the window.

"You're staring..." she said with no emotion, but it was quick.

"Sorry, didn't mean to..."

I looked down at her hands, which were holding that familiar metal star bracelet she would always have on her wrist. The same one that radiated that light from before.

"You sure? Because you're still staring," she said once more, but with a little more irritation.

"We're you having a nightmare?"

She turned towards me, her eyes filled with sorrow.

"What makes you think that?"

"Back in the motel on Akala Island, You were crying in your sleep. It was just a thought."

She jolted up from her bed and looked at me with embarrassment, but ashamed.

"Y-you saw that?"

"So I'm right?"

"M-maybe... I dunno..."

She looked at the floor and sat back down slowly.

"What's causing you to have those nightmares? Was is from the events that occurred today?"

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