33. The New Champion

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Happy first part of the Finale!

This will be part one of this two part finale!

Thank you all for your support in this story and I do hope you guys enjoy this two parter!


Narrator POV

"Amazing! It's like I told you before, the strongest moves you can use are the ones a trainer and their Pokémon choose together in the heat of that moments. That's what really counts!" Yelled the shirtless professor, who stood tall, accepting his defeat from Luma with pride.


She was truly speechless... she couldn't even think of a word to say.

"I-I... I don't..." she stuttered.

"You proved me right, Luma!"

He stepped in front of her and stood by her side, as they watched the sun set.

"Congrats, cousin. You're the champion we can all be proud of."

Luma stood, looking at the new world ahead of her. Tears of joy welling up to the point of dropping down her cheeks. She suffered truly. And now, she stood at the peak of Mount Lanakila along with the professor, wiping her tears, only for them to keep cascading down.

"Hey now, Luma. I told you didn't I? Up there on Mount Hokulani?"

She sniffled and nodded, tears still coming down.

"You really been through a lot, cousin... Your old man would be proud of you," he put an arm around the small girl and gave her a hearty pat on the back as they watched the sun set. Kukui waited for the girl to calm down so they could head back down.

"Hey! So I'll see you tomorrow, yeah? Try not to tell anyone what happened until tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay... but how do you know about my dad?"

Kukui chuckled if off and nearly dodged her question.

"Oh yeah, i have my ways. But you don't need to worry about that right now, woo! I'm so happy I got to battle you and your team here, right where my dreams came true!"

He paused and held his head high.

"And now... Luminaria! First ever Champion of the Alola Pokémon League! It's time we record you and your beloved teams achievement for eternity!"

Luma looked up and held her head high, wondering what tomorrow would bring for her.

Days later at Iki Town

Luma's POV

"And that's what happened... from beginning to end," I concluded my story with Lillie as we sat to watch the party from afar.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to cry so much," Lillie giggled as I scratched my head, trying to rid the rosiness of my cheeks that were blushed from embarrassment.

"Man, they're still going though? You'd think we'd make it into a festival and everyone would have a break. They've been at it for a while..."

"Well, it's to celebrate your victory as the first ever Champion, Luma! You should be down there dancing and having fun!"

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