6. Royal Rumble!

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Narrator POV

The sound of clinking dishes and clashing silverware echoed through out the Cafe. It was accompanied with the sounds of various trainers and children coming in a out to heal their Pokémon. But Luma on the other hand....


Only silence. But it was only because of the events that happened prior to her waiting for a cup of Tapu Cocoa and a tea snack.


Luma POV

"Find the Lord of the Ocean and battle it, that's all I gotta do," I said while sailing with the new rider Pokémon I gotten from the mischievous Trial Captain, Lana whom seems to have a thing for strapping young men. While sailing towards the source of the rippling waves. But when i got there, the sound of what seemed like thunder echoing throughout Alola had really shaken me to the core. Lapris was even shaking....

"H-hey its okay... calm down buddy...,"
I kept saying to the rider pokemon while petting it softly. But then a shadow of a mysterious figure covered us in darkness. I look to see grand rippling waves rising up like a geyser you would see near the ocean by a volcanic spot.

"What.... huh??"

Suddenly, a grand fish has risen from the waters. My mouth dropped as I saw the size of the thing... I thought it was going to eat us whole... not to mention the roar.... it was like a dragonite and a gyrados mixed together with its strength and its power... it was... it was just...


"What the heck?!"

-end of flashback-

Narrator POV

The girl just kept thinking about the gaping mouth of what came to be known as the Lord of the Ocean. Not to mention her Pokémon needed to heal themselves after being tricked into walking past the Island Trial Gate courtesy of the Captain and wasn't really given much of a choice, but nonetheless kept her team prepared with a couple of potions. Not to mention running into Team Skull trying to capture an innocent little Drifblim didn't help either. But when the subject of Team Skull came up, she thought of their Enforcer. With him in her thoughts, she softly groaned in frustration as she tried to get her thoughts together as the hot cup of Tapu Cocoa was served to her along with a Shalour Sable.

-time skip-

  Exiting the Pokémon Center with a sigh, Luma kept her head held high and clenched her fist, raising it high in the air.

"Okay! It's time to get it together! Who needs giant man eating fishes and road blocking Sudowoodos! It's time to check out this battle royal Hapu told me about!"

"Zzzzzrt! Yep yep! Let'zzzz go! My circuits are going nutzz just thinking about it zzzzrt!" Rotom said after yelling from Luma's bag.

She marched on and made her way to a big building adorned with a symbol signifying the battle royale ground. She stopped on her tracks when a familiar black sweatshirt caught her eye. Rotom flew out of the bag and looked at her with worry.

"Zzzzrt! What's wrong? Muk on your feet?"

She gasped when she realized who that person was after seeing his ahoge.

"It's that guy again, that Team Skull Enforcer..."

She looked at him with a look of worry.

"Kzzzzrt! Does lil miss Luma have a cruuuush~"

"H-huh?! Don't be silly Rotom, I barely even know the guy!" She said waving her arms as a blush was spreading around her face.

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