27. Lunala's Awakening

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Narrator POV

A tense air had filled within the empty cave of the innards of the Vast Poni Canyon. A battle taking place... and a rawr of a totem Pokémon guarding a sacred ground.


"Everyone stand back!"

The two siblings complied with the girl who stood behind the pedestal that read a sacred caw. And so, the girl gave her praise to the Tapu and others with a sacred dance to activate a power just as sacred.

"Silver and Gold shining from the skies. Midsummer nights throw down toward your foe... twinkle tackle!"

"Ko-mo- mo- ko!"

And with the Z- Move's time coming to an end, the totem Pokémon had fallen to its knees, allowing Luma to obtain the Dragonium Z and keep it in her small, yet heart strong, hands. She went on ahead and was greeted by the steps of the Altar of the Moone, along with the coos of Hapu, who is seen to walk alongside her trusted Mudsdale.

"Our history tells us that the Vast Poni Canyon trial was the very first trial to be held. You did a fine job clearing it, just as I expected, Luma!"

"Thank you, Hapu. But I couldn't have possibly done it alone..."

The girl looked behind the approaching steps of the Virdis Siblings making their entrance shortly after Hapu did.

"I have my friends to thank as well..."

"You've cleared all seven trials of Alola's island challenge now! That's wonderful Luma!" Lillie cheered.

"You've pushed yourself beyond to become quite the trainer, haven't you?" Gladion remarked with a minuscule smirk on his face.

The three then look up toward the now setting sun of today and trailed their eyes steadily towards the stairs, scanning them from top to bottom. Awaiting what seemed to be their final trial.

"The Sun Flute... and the Moon Flute. If we sound both together..."

Luma thought aloud as she firmly clutched the thin air in the palms of her hands. Nervousness washing over her like a wave.

"Luma! Gladion! Let's go!" Lillie shouted and ran up ahead the steps with a spring in her step. The other two mentioned followed suit and ran after her, looking behind them toward the setting sun as they ran what seemed to have been an endless flight of steps. Or at least... for the girl's.

"Jeez... how are you... are you able to have... a lot of energy?" Asked Luma toward the edgy looking character in front of her.

"You sounded like you've never ran a step in your life..." he rolled his eyes toward the girl. An unamused tone in his voice.

"Heh... heh... it doesn't help either that I have... low heeled... sandals... huh?"

"Arceus..." he cursed.

"Luma, that sounds dangerous! Why didn't you change shoes?" Lillie sounded worried as she asked the raven haired girl who was shrugging as she ran.

"Ask the creator"

Breaking the fourth wall? Well, anyways, when they finally reached the end of the stairs, there stood the altar in all its' glory. The symbol of the Moon proudly standing as the Orange hues of the sunset radiated into a deep night shade.

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