18. Battle after Battle (Aether Infiltration Part 2)

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Narrator POV

Luma had gotten to the first floor leading to the entrance of Aether. She looked around for a bit and heard footsteps approaching. She was about to pull out a Pokeball and initiate a battle, but upon realizing it was only Hau and Gladion, she relaxes and huffs a sigh of relief.

"Did you guys find out anything about Cosmog or Lillie?" She asked in a dubious tone.

"Hmph... even beaten down, old Faba doesn't change, does he?" Gladion shrugged and Hau shook his head.

"What do we do?"

"Beat whoever stands in our way. What other choice do we have?"

"Leave no witnesses. Gotcha," Luma concurred and faced Hau wondering what his opinion was.

"Fine, fine. We can do that. But do you have to say "hmph" all the time?" He responded to Gladion with some sass in his tone, leaving the girl between them to shrug in confusion.

More footsteps come along and spot the group of three, catching them dead in their tracks, revealing themselves to be more Aether Employees sent by Faba.

"Hello, children. I'm afraid Branch Chief Faba has given us orders regarding you three..."

The three turned towards the employees wit the incoming atmosphere changing from calm to tense in the matter of seconds.

"Now that you've learned of the darkness at the heart of Aether Paradise, we'll need you all to conveniently disappear!" One shouted and summoned their Pokémon, and the rest followed suit.

"Woah! There's a ton of them now!"

"Pointing out the obvious isn't going to help with anything, Hau!" Gladion scolded, quickly turning back to face the boy and then at the Employees.

"A-any ideas, Luma?" Hau stuttered and turned towards the girl.

She however, smirks and chuckles under her teeth.

"Alright... let's clear a path, boys! Go, Prim! Vivo! Use Bubble Beam and Zap Cannon!"

Luma's Primarina and Vikavolt were summoned and immediately started attacking with Prim first unleashing a stream of bubbles and water at the incoming Mudsdale and Pelliper, and Vivo unleashing a stream of thunder, causing the surge to slip into the water and create a chain reaction of the electrified water paralyzing the enemy Pokémon around them and nearby the employees.

"Gyah! The children of Alola who aim to be champion through the island challenge! Woah! They are NOT to be underestimated!" One of them shouted trying to dodge the water.

"Alright! Now!"

"Raichu! Psychic!" Hau quickly summoned his Raichu, whom quickly used its attack on the enemy Pokémon and finishing them off. The water then clears, turning to mist from the incoming attack and leaving the employees who were not paralyzed to look at them in awe, but also in disgust.

"Ridiculous... have the children of Alola always been this strong?"

"Uhh technically, I'm from Kanto, but that'll change in like a couple years or so," Luma crossed her arms proudly and faced the employees with a glare, all while smiling at them.

"That's what you get when you go trough the trials of the island challenge. Now that you understand... how about you get out of our way?" Gladion gave a dirty look at the employees before they ran off, revealing a path towards Faba and the guards beside him.

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