11. The Big Bad Boss of Beatdowns (Vs Guzma Part 1)

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Luma's POV

After obtaining the Electrium Z crystal and completing the Electric Trial, I was also given Professor Kukui's wrestler mask which he uses for his Masked Royal persona. I didn't feel like myself though after all the business back in Aether. I just kept staring at my bracelet after Kukui went back to Malie Garden after going with me on the bus ride to the to of Mount Hokulani. The Ultra Beast's chirps echoed in my mind, along with the dazzling bright light coming from my bracelet that caused my conscious to go faint. But apparently, I was still battling that thing, and even using a Z-Move at that.

Just what happened during that battle?

I made my way back to Malie Garden to see not only the Professor, but Team Skull Grunts as well.

"Yo, yo, yo! Hold up, yo, Mr. Kukui!"

"You say you wanna make a Pokémon League? You got rocks in your skull?"

He must've told them about the new Pokémon League...

"Four Turns!"

The two grunts looked at him with baffled eyes and grunted in confusion. Kukui on the other hand put his hands on his hips and stuck up his chest in a boastful manner.

"Bring it on, then both of you! I've been researching Pokémon moves, yeah, so I'm always ready, oh yeah!"


The people around us gathered and cheered for the Professor, giving him words of encouragement and jeering at the grunts in front of him.

"I'll take you both on in a Battle Royal, and you'll be down with just a Swift and Incinerate or two! You gotta beat the man to be the man, boys!" He continued, still boasting. But man did he look confident.

"Yo, for real?" One Grunt replied.

"F-fine! You asked for it!" The other stuttered, getting rattled by the professor's confidence.

"Woah... this is... is he really gonna battle those guys on his own?"

The people around the two continued their cheers and jeers. But it all went to silence when another man's voice ringing from behind the golden yellow bridge.

"Battle Royal, huh? Nice idea there, Kukui. You can beat down three Pokémon at once, huh?"

Everyone turned to the direction of the voice and a scruffy looking man with black and white hair and golden sunglasses on the top of his head. He wore a black sweatshirt with white makings over a white T-Shirt  and matching black white baggy pants and shoes. He also had a bunch of gold jewelry and purple markings on his arms. He was slouching his back and had his hands on his hips. Everyone looked at him with fear... but when I looked at the symbol around his neck, it was the symbol of Team Skull.

"Uhh... who is this guy?" I asked one person who was in the crowd.

"It's Guzma...."

"The Leader of these trouble makers..."

So he's the leader, huh? The guy everyone in Team Skull blindly follows... including Plumeria and Gladion. But why him? What did he do to have this many people follow him? The Grunts however, cheered for him,
hailing him like some kind of king...

"The hated boss who beats you down, and beats you down, and never lets up... yeah. Big bad Guzma is here!" Guzma boasted at Kukui's face.

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