21. One Last Time (Aether Infiltration Part 5 -FINAL-) (Vs Lusamine Part 2)

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Narrator POV

Near Mahalo Trail

"Wait, this disturbance I feel," Hala said silently after stopping to see the clouds gather around Melemele Island. A gust of wind was heard near the vicinity of the Kahuna, along with a thud being heard. The source of the sound coming from what seemed to be yet another Ultra Beast. It was much different than the other. This one had that of a dainty thin figure with the "hair" of a cockroach, and long Antennae stretching near the ground.

"Oh, this ones a rare visitor! You come before the island Kahuna?" He shouts with a bit of hostility as the Ultra Beast charges in to attack the man. Only to be halted by the sudden appearance of the island guardian; Tapu Koko.

"Did you come here as a guardian or just to battle?" He asked as he looked to the sky to see three more lights descending onto the other islands.

"The other islands must surely be facing the same threat. I'm counting on you, my comrades..."

Meanwhile in Ula' Ula' near Aether House

"You don't see this everyday..." Nanu looks to see another Ultra Beast. This one with a red and black muscular build, four spider like legs, and a face of a mosquito.

Acerola watched closely from inside Aether House along with the children from before. Looking up at the sky to see the island guardian, Tapu Bulu, appear before them.

"They'll be fine..." Acerola said silently to the kids whom were shaking from fear.

"And I don't mean just the Kahunas either... Luma... Hau... Lillie..."

Back at Aether

Lillie's POV

The sounds of battles echoed through out this place.

Hau vs Guzma,

Gladion vs the Ultra Beast,

and Luma vs Mother...

they're all doing so much... and here I am standing dumbfounded unable to do anything... seeing the crate Nebby's in and its silent cries being overshadowed by the battling.

"I want to help... but... I can't battle... what do I do?"

Hau's POV

"First Impression on his pokemon, Golisopod! Send it flyin'"


Uh oh, Leafeon's down. Incineroar's about to faint. But I do have Raichu... and his Pokémon is a water and bug type... hehe!

"I hope you're ready to eat your words, Guzma! Because you're gonna be the one sent flying!"

"You numbskull..."

Gladion's POV


Tch! This thing is even more annoying than Hau's screaming... but this thing is an actual threat. But it looks like it's about to attack again...

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