10. Debut of the Ultra Beast

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Luma's POV

"My sweet Pokémon.. I promise I'll keep you safe... I'll protect you with my love..."

I saw a woman standing along a group consisting of an Aether employee and three Pokémon gathered around her. She was a very pretty lady. She had long blonde hair, a white dress with yellow accents and a black and green diamond on her chest, along with white matching leggings and black and gold heels. She looked like a goddess... a goddess that came from the heavens.

My feet moved all on their own and I approached closer to the woman. When she turned and heard Hau, Ms. Wicke and I approaching, she had a familiar pale tone and piercing green eyes. The blonde hair... pale porcelain skin... and piercing green eyes that cut through my soul like a hot knife to butter. There was something familiar about this woman... but... I didn't know what it was... but when she spoke, I broke out of my thoughts.

"You must be Luma and Hau. Welcome to Aether Paradise. The Aether Foundation's own private island."

"Thank you for having us... and...
Who are you?" I couldn't help but wonder who was this woman... this woman who looked at me, making eye contact with those eyes instantly froze me in place.

"I am the president of the foundation. But please, just call me Lusamine. I'm so glad that we got to meet."

Wicke stood by her side and Lusamine continued.

"I'm glad there are people like you, who travel the islands to learn more about Pokémon. But there are also those unfortunate people who harm Pokémon for their own selfish reasons or even for profit."

She then raised her arms as if she was hoping to pull Hau and I into a warm embrace.

"And that is why I am here. I will be like a mother to all those poor Pokémon and shower them with love! Even Pokémon from distant worlds, far from the Alola region, are worthy of my love!" She continued, raising her voice with pride.

Hau seemed moved by her words the way he calmly smiled.

"Wow, Miss Lusamine! I don't know how you do all this! You're, like, not even that much older than us!"

"Yeah, it's amazing how you're able to do all of this at such a young age. It's truly inspiring!" I chimed.

The woman covered a giggle that escaped from her mouth with her hand and turned her attention to Hau.

"Oh you sweet boy, I'm already over 40!"

"....what?" I said silently under my breath.

"You are?" Hau questioned.

We turned to each other and back at Lusamine. We kept doing this for a while until Hau clenched his teeth and slightly stepped back, raising his arms for balance.

"Wait, WHAT?! H-How?!" Hau shouted. I just shrugged with a shocked expression and turned back to Lusamine, who was giggling to herself.

"Oh... sorry. We didn't know... it was just a surprise"

"Oh, you! The right style does wonders, you know," she said with a tone filled with glee. She eyed at Hau from the top hair that stuck up from his ponytail, to the last centimeter of his orange shoes.

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