Chapter 1

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​​​​​​​I hated doing this to my family, but it was the only way to keep them relatively safe from Valentine.  Well, safer than they would be if I didn't go with him.
I honestly wouldn't be able to live with myself if any of them, especially my parabatai, got hurt.  Honestly though, I am missing Alec every second We are separated.  He has been hurting badly since his twin brother, Ben, disappeared a month ago.  He hadn't shown it, but, being his parabatai, I could feel it.  When he's in pain, so am I.  We had even tried tracking him through our parabatai tracking, but it didn't work.  Anyway, Valentine just told me he has a prisoner, a Shadowhunter, who we need to get information from.  He didn't tell me how they got them or who it was, so I was a bit nervous.
"He's been here for over a month and he hasn't said a word no matter what we throw at him.  I must admit, I admire his resilience, most people would have cracked by now."  He commented. 
"What is his name?"  I asked, frowning.  I had an idea of how they might have tried to get information from him, but I dearly hoped I was wrong.
"He hasn't even told us that."  He revealed.  He opened a door to a room, which looked like some form of prison cell/torture chamber.  I saw the boy sitting down, chained to the wall in the back of the room.  He was sitting down, and leaning against the wall, his left knee bent up, and his right leg out straight in front of him.  His left arm was resting on his knee, and his right arm was lying beside him.  His head was down so I could only see his black hair.  Both his wrists and ankles were in chains.  His clothes were torn and parts of them looked like they had been sliced with a knife. 
"I told you Valentine, there is nothing that you can do that will get me to talk."  He snarled.  Wait a minute.  I know that voice.  My face morphed from one of cautious curiosity to horror in a second.  The brief sense of relief I felt for finding him was quickly suppressed by horror of what had been done to him.  I tried my best to hide my emotions though.
"I have something else that might persuade you."  He stated, an evil smirk on his face.  Ben looked at him and then noticed me beside him.  His eyes widened and he gasped.
"Jace!"  He exclaimed.  I guess I was the last person he expected to be here.
"Hello Ben."  I replied in a monotonous voice, however, the ghost of a smile briefly crossed my face at the fact that I had found him.
"Ah, so that's his name.  We've captured one of the Lightwood boys.  I should have known.  He looks just like the eldest, Alec."  Valentine said calmly but something in his voice made it sound like he somehow gained a victory in learning his name.  I stiffened and clenched my jaw briefly at the mention of my parabatai.
"Can I have some time alone with him?  I'm sure I'll be able to get something out of him."  I said, no emotion in my voice, my face cold as ice.  Valentine smiled wickedly.
"See what you can get, and by all means, use any form of...persuasion you deem necessary.  The tools in the room are yours to use.  I'll be back soon, see what you can extract from him.  But be sure you don't kill him."  Valentine stated, before walking out of the room and locking the door behind him.  It made me sick to my stomach the way he was talking about Ben.  I then listened out to see if anyone was at the door, but all I could hear were Valentine's retreating footsteps.  As soon as I established that Valentine had gone, I raced over to Ben.
"Ben?  Are you alright?  What are you doing here?"  I asked, in the hope that he was ok.
"How are you here?  Why are you here?  How did you find me?  Are Alec and Izzy with you?  How are they?"  He asked, ignoring my questions.
"1, it's a long story.  2, I didn't know you were here.  Alec and I have been trying to track you through our parabatai tracking, but nothing came up.  3, no they are not here.  4, so far as I know, they are alright.  5, you didn't answer my questions."  I answered each of his questions.  "Also, I promise, I will get you out of here."  I said, honesty in my expression.  Ben smiled softly at me.  Then he sighed.
"Jace.  I know you will hate to do this, but to keep up your act as being loyal to Valentine; you are going to have to torture me to some degree.  He will need to hear me screaming when he comes back.  Before you even start, know that I don't blame you and I forgive you for anything that you do.  I know you don't truly mean any of it.  You are and always will be my little brother, and I don't ever want you to forget that."  Ben said, looking me in the eyes.
"What?!  No.  I can't torture you!"  I exclaimed in horror.
"You must in order to get Valentine to trust you.  I'd rather have you do it than someone else who will not care if they torture me to the point of almost dying, which has happened before."  He explained.  I don't think I even want to hear the rest of that story.
"If Alec ever finds out about me doing this..." I began, my heart breaking at the very concept.  I honestly felt like I was committing the ultimate betrayal of my brother, my parabatai, by even considering the possibility of agreeing with Ben.  What's even worse is that they both look exactly alike, apart from the fact that their runes are in different places, however, the blocking rune on his neck is the same side as Alec's but tilted like Isabelle's.  It would be like I was torturing Alec.
"If Alec does find out, I will tell him that I told you to do it in order to protect both of us.  Which is true."  He replied, nodding at me to continue.  His words provided me with no comfort whatsoever.  "The weapons table is over there.  Pick whatever you like.  My only request is that you don't burn me, shock me, or break anything.  Other than that, do whatever."  He stated.  It was honestly heartbreaking that he didn't even care what happened to him anymore.  It was like he was so used to the pain of the torture that he had developed a tolerance to it.  I nodded and regretfully walked over to the weapons table to gather some things.  I know I will feel remorseful about this for the rest of my life.  Even though he said that he doesn't blame me and forgives me, nothing will change that.  I heard footsteps coming back towards us.
"I'm so sorry."  I whispered to him, a look of remorse and sadness on my face.  He nodded and my expression immediately changed to a cold and nasty look.  I then began speaking.
"Well, since you're not going to tell me what I want to know, we'll have to do this the hard way."  I replied, yanking him up by him hair and tying his wrists to the chains hanging from the ceiling.  He yelped at this.
"You're never going to get me to talk.  More powerful men than you have tried...and failed."  He snarled.  "I'm not saying anything."  He added, venom in his voice.  Wow, we're really good actors!
"We shall see."  I replied menacingly, before twirling a knife in my hand.  I could sense Valentine watching me.

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